
Well Known Member
I am updating my panel due to my 430W misbehaving and came across a great deal on a Garmin G3X GDU-370.

Does anyone have any experience with the following working together.

1. I have a a GRT HXr as my PFD and it works just fine.
2. I have the GRT EIS 4000 that send engine info to the HXr and I can use a stand alone unit, typically I use it a as fuel totalizator and view everything else on the EFIS.

3. I want to add this new to me Garmin unit as MFD.
4. I am going to add the GDL-52r so I can get adsb in and satellite radio. ( I enjoy it)
5. Replacement of the 430W is going to be a Garmin 750xi
I have a TruTrack 385 vision I have yet to get to work with my GRT
6. Replacing backup airspeed indication with Aervonics unit for the smaller
Couple of questions..

Can the GRT EIS send engine info to the Garmin unit?
I am sure the Garmin and GRT will not push info to each other and I am ok with that.

Should I just go all Garmin and spend the money?

I did not want to totally scrap my current equipment and wanted a more comprehensive solution but why kill perfectly good stuff.

I welcome the discussion of the group. Thanks
GRT is pretty good about playing with other systems.

Call them and get the straight scoop.
Your HXr

I may be able to help you rehome your HXr , if it’s a 10.4 , I’m not in a big hurry but I liked those units and they’ve discontinued them !