
Well Known Member
I was hoping to get some insite from you guys that own RV6 planes. I have been debating between an RV7 and an RV6. One of the reasons I have been debating between the two is the head and leg room. There seems to be about 3 1/2" of additional leg room and 1 1/2" of head room in an RV7. I was wondering what your thoughts were since I am 6'2" and 240 lbs? Any other RV6 owner out there around the same size as me and fit comfortably in their RV6?

The other reason was aerobatics. I am looking for a plane that I can perform gentle aerobatics in. From what I understand, the RV7 may be a bit more stronger however have been told that the RV6 still has stress limits of +6 and -3Gs at aerobatic gross weights. I don't know too many people that could stand much more than 4Gs without passing out anyways, so I am assuming the RV6 would likely meet my needs.
I'm 6'-4" and 250 pounds. I have ridden in Doug's 6 as well as a 7. It was tight for me in both. Doug had a thin seat cushin and it seemed ok. The 7 had a regular thickness cushion and it was tight as well. Personally if you don't already have a plane I would try for the 7. It depends on wheather you plan to buy or build. I think you can buy a flying 6 cheaper than a flying 7. If you are building I'm not sure there is a significant pricing advantage.

The 7 would have a better resale value.
Regarding the "6". Best to have the rudder pedals moved as far forward as the plans allow, and no center column, so that your right leg can have some freedom to move and bend, which allows extra for the left leg too. This really helps!

L.Adamson --6A-- 6' 1.5"
In a 6

I have a 6A and I am 6'4" and weigh 200lbs +/-. Last Monday I had a 6'4" and 240 lb fellow in there with me to see if we could tolerate going from Houston to OSH. It will be tight but not horribly so.

I have overhead rudder pedals (w dual brakes) and overhead pedals are a must. When installed I mounted them about 1" higher than the plans called for. This allows us tall guys to easily slip our feet under them while flying straight and level. I also did the RV-7 interior option. This gives a bit more lateral room for legs and essentially makes the 6 very similar to the 7 in terms of interior space available for creature comforts. I find it more comfortable for leg room than a 172 because of the OH rudder pedals. This is mentioned in case you are buying a flying RV.

If you are building then the 7 would be a better choice more for the "it's a newer model" than any other reason. It isn't necessarily "new and greatly improved" but it is pre-punched so there is less room for mistakes in that department. As for the 7 being stronger? Count the number of bolts that hold the 6 wing on (80+) and then count the number that hold the 7 wing on (10 -). I am sure Van did not make the 7 weaker but stronger than the 6? I don't believe there has ever been an inflight structural loss for the 6 and a lot of guys do acro. Some that probably have tested both the 6 and 7 beyond the published limits.

I believe any 6 or 7 will be tight but comfortable enough to go anywhere you want. Stopping at the 3.5 to 4 hour point for a stretch breaks up a trip into bite sized portions. :D
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I traveled the same path as you. I'm 6'5" and near 250. I tried -6's and -7's. The additional couple of inches in the -7 made a lot of difference for me. There is also a difference in gross weight.

I bought a -7 and lengthed the rudder pedals about an inch. I also had Classic Aero build some seat cushions that are slightly thinner than the standard cushions. I find the plane quite comfortable. My longest flight leg so far has been about 3 hours and I didn't find that be any more uncomfortable that a three hour drive in a car.

Hope this helps

5'10", 190 found the 6 to be tight

Last Sat I flew in a 6 and found it to be too tight for long distance and I'm only 5'10" & 190.

On Sunday, two of us climbed into the 9 slider we're building (fuse is the same as the 7) and were able to create lots more leg room and headroom.

Of course, I could lose weight but haven't been successful thus far.