Well Known Member
Am close to putting the wings on the RV9A, but limited hanger space is a problem because of the other plane. (and a full workshop, and other junk)
Will the 9A on it's gear, and engine installed, balance with only one wing on, or will it tip down? I don't intend to keep it that way, just want to be able to move it by myself, then re-install any wing support that's needed.

It will tip to the wing side. You have to support the wing while moving it.
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No problem here

I had no problem installing one wing on the plane, then moving over to the other side to install the other. It did not tip. I did not have the wing-tips on though.

edit: Well, reread post, and I did not try moving the plane. Probably a very good idea to have someone support the wing while moving the plane.
Thanks guys for the info
It looks like Ted's plane is a lot heavier than Alfio's.
BTW Alfio, I had some great times in Ottawa many years ago when I was single !!!!