
Well Known Member
Does anyone happen to know if a 496 will drive a CDI? I'm not sure why I would necessarily want this, but if I have both, it might be nice.


what kind of CDI are you talking about? A standard good ol' fashioned CDI, or maybe a device such as a Dynon EFIS used in CDI/HSI mode?

The former is not supported as far as I know, unless someone would work on a hardware device to interface the instrument with the serial stream coming from the Garmin GPS.

The latter, instead, is very much supported today, with the latest firmware release coming from Dynon.

Take a look at this picture:


and picture just the right 1/3 on an EFIS D-10A. You feed the NMEA data stream into the D-10A, and you get an HSI based on the selected waypoint you have in your GPS. Not too different from what you already have on the screen of the GPS in all fairness, but you have a separate display device *and* a nice EFIS too.

Ciao, Luca

(not a Dynon user, just a lurker on their forum, happy to see what they're doing with to their customers with the same hardware and just free firmware updates)
ddurakovich said:
The Smart Coupler that Navaid Devices sells should drive CDI. A little pricey, but.....
well spotted! The device integrated by Navaid infact comes from Porcine Associates in Menlo Park, Ca. and is sold to Navaid as OEM. Individual units can be acquired directly from Porcine.

The device is called "GPS Smart Coupler" and its primary role is to drive an autopilot from a GPS data stream. Clearly one could use the analog +/- 150mV in order to drive a CDI.

Pricewise, we're talking about the mid-200$ range, affordable I'd say, if one really wants to keep using good ol' fashioned CDI stuff...

More info at the Porcine website:

Ciao, Luca