
Well Known Member

Why aren't you hosting a wiki here? I know that Matt has one, but it looks woefully underused. I think having something hosted right here, then championed, would make a much better resource. Just my $0.02...

Why try and reinvent the wheel? If people want a wiki, why not use the one that Matt already started? It seems crazy to split the effort between two places.
I know I'm showing my ignorance here....but what is a wiki and how do you use it?
It is software that allows anyone anywhere in the world to easily modify the content of a web page, including creating links to other pages in the wiki. It is a very good way to allow collaborative sharing of knowledge. One person can create an outline of knowledge, other people can write articles on areas they are knowledgeable in, other people can correct mistakes (or introduce new ones, etc). The best example is the Wikipedia. See its entry on wiki for more info. See the editing instructions on the Matronics RV Wiki too.

Wikis are not perfect, but they are a pretty good way to allow a community to share knowledge.

It would be useful if there was a prominent link to the Matronics RV Wiki on the VAF WWW site. This would help give more exposure to the RV Wiki, and maybe give it a kick start.
It would be useful if there was a prominent link to the Matronics RV Wiki on the VAF WWW site. This would help give more exposure to the RV Wiki, and maybe give it a kick start.

That's a great idea!

I'm a future RV-12 builder (I think... Maybe a -9A) so haven't seen a construction manual. However, in my little mind, I would love to see a page on the wiki for each step. When a builder would figure something out that the plans and construction manual didn't explicitly say, they could make "virtual" notes about that step on the wiki. And, of course, other people could add to that...

Thanks for the feedback, all.

I would love to see a page on the wiki for each step. When a builder would figure something out that the plans and construction manual didn't explicitly say, they could make "virtual" notes about that step on the wiki. And, of course, other people could add to that...

Great idea. I would also like to see a pdf version of the plans. I have often wanted to be able to 'search' through them.

As for the wiki on each step of construction, whenever I get stuck a search on VAF will almost always bring back many threads talking about the issue in question.:)
Searchable Manuals & Drawings, PDFs


I have created scanned, searchable versions of both the manual and the drawings and, with a PC (with internet) in my shop, can search both very quickly. I use these files and a spreadsheet I made showing what's in each parts bag and in Van's master parts list VERY often when building. Actually, I can't imagine working without these tools. And of course, VAF searches and a couple of builders sites, especially those with search capability (, are often used.

I have to agree with Bill though, a wiki with each building step, with photos, showing options / alternatives used by various builders, and collectively / continuously edited by builders, would be INCREDIBLY useful and quickly supplant Van's manual, which as you guys know is quite lacking in many areas.

How do we get started? Maybe the guys with good websites could move some of their content onto there without a whole lot of work?

Highest Regards,
How do we get started? Maybe the guys with good websites could move some of their content onto there without a whole lot of work?
If you want something to happen, don't wait for someone else to do it. Do it yourself.

If someone has some useful content on their web site, e-mail them to ask them if you could copy it and put it on the wiki (with attribution). The vast majority of guys would say yes, either because they want to help, or because they would be flattered that you felt their web site was useful. It isn't too difficult to copy text off a web page, paste it into a wiki edit page, and add the few wiki tags you need to create the wiki page.