
Well Known Member
Any suggestions on where to go, airports etc appreciated. This will be just a lunch run if you will so easy in/out and cheap :D
French Quarter?

If you make it into the Quarter and want seafood try Acme Oyster (just off Bourbon St) they have everything from Oyster or Shrimp PoBoys to BBQ Oysters to raw, etc.

All really good and reasonable too.
Well if you are a fan at all of "A Confederacy of Dunces" a great American novel, if not maybe, THE great American novel, there is only one choice. This is the choice I made for my first meal on a trip referenced in this thread http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=22617 You could go to the Quarter and get hot dogs from one of the carts. Cheap too.

This may not be what she has in mind though, however if you fly to New Orleans to eat, cheap might miss the point.
I am not a resident there, and we probably have folks here that live much closer, but I have visited a lot both before and after Katrina....I guess it's been a year or so since my last trip though, and things keep changing!

I like to fly into Lakefront and get a courtesy car (or rental if I am staying a bit longer), drive down to the Quarter and walk around. My favorite place for a quick lunch is actually down by the Convention Center - Mullatta's serves a great blackened catfish with Crayfish Etuffe'...it's worth the Avgas to and from Houston! Not a fancy place, but good!

If you're going to stay overnight, there are lots of much posher restaurants down in the quarter - I have eaten at a few of them when out walking with friends, but unfortunately, those were trips (without an airplane or car involved!) where I was enjoying myself enough that they kind of blur together. Antone's? Does that ring a bell? Oh, and if you just want a quick snack, go by the French Market.

I remember reading that Lakefront's Tower just opened again this summer - it was down for a year and a half. I guess I need to make another trip to see how the recovery is coming.

Just a little more info if you please..

Which FBO has the courtesy car (Million air?) and is there really a landing fee? :eek:
The last time I was there, I used Millionaire because they were pretty much the only guys operating. (They were operating out of a double-wide trailer, but they were operating!) They gave me the keys to the courtesy car and when I went outside and hit the button on the clicker I was shocked to see a beautiful brand-new four-door Jaguar chirping back at me! No landing fees at the time.

No guarantees....that was a year ago, and they didn't have much business!

New Orleans lunch

My bride and I have been there twice the last year and it is a lot better this last trip.

Another great lunch is at the Central Street Grocery (I think) across from Cafe Dumond. It's an old Grocery store with a small lunch area and they invented a sandwich called a "Muffaleta" one will feed two normal folks or one Texan:D

Almost forgot it but it's a must whenever I go there.
Gary Bricker

Paul if you liked Mullatta's the original is just east of Laffayette in one of the small towns just to the east. I think it is Henderson. It is a locals place to go. If someone likes to go outside of NO land in Hammond and go east about 10 mi and a couple mile south to Madasonville and eat at Mortons. It is on a river and the atmosphere is outstanding. I lived on the north shore of the lake for 9 yrs. . The food was great but you have to like LA.
I flew into Lake Front and Millionair's had a limo and driver that took us in to the quarter for $25.00. We gave him a nice tip. A real bargain.
One of my favorite places in the Quarter was Palace Cafe over on canal. It is one of the Brennan's restaurants. There is also Dicky Brennan's Steakhouse and The Red Fish Grill. Antoinne's (sp?) that Paul mentioned is also good. Bella Luna's is also good. For Sunday brunch, Commander's Palace (not in the Quarter) is hard to beat. Be sure to get the Bread Pudding Souffle for desert!

On Canal between downtown and City Park used to be a corner bar/restaurant called Michael's Mid City Grill. I say used to because I haven't tried to go back there since Katrina. The absolute best Gumbo I've had. They also have a $100 hamburger (actually it is more than $100 if I remember correctly). You get a nice burger and fries and "free" bottle of Dom Perignon champagne. :)

On the northshore, you can fly in to Slidell and have fairly easy access to Mandeville/Covington or Slidell. In Mandeville/Covington my wife and I used to like Boulee's (sp?). In Slidell, Michael's (he catered our wedding) is exceptional. The Salmon-Fritchie house also served an awesome Sunday Brunch.

Can you guess what I miss about living in New Orleans? :D
Gary Bricker

I think we all should go to NO for the weekend and eat. Another good lunch place if it is still there is the Ole College Inn on Clabourne. Best Onion Rings around.