
Well Known Member
A year ago my wife was afraid to go flying in the airplane we were building.

Fast forward to today and she now has 10 hours of instruction in my RV9A in an effort to get her own pilot license, works at a private charter flight company as the controller, and today got to be a passenger as our local group did a formation fuel run, with her first Aileron roll (buddies RV8) thrown in there.

I almost have her convinced we need 2 airplanes, ok not fully but getting closer.

I know something about how this goes. I predict a right seat in your future. Embrace it!
I know something about how this goes. I predict a right seat in your future. Embrace it!

It hit me when 2 weeks ago I was told I had to move the rudder pedals. My response was wait a minute, I built this airplane for me!

I made some quick to install extensions instead, but you are right I am already planning some right seat time.