
But that doesn't look funny to me. As a matter of fact, it looks downright serious!
In an airplane is the only time my wife doesn't complain about my "driving."
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I would be interested in knowing what the conversation was just prior to that picture! I'm guessing whatever it was, you were not providing the correct answers!
Oh, man, I only wish :).

Me too!!!

Her: "What happened to standard rate turns in the pattern"

Me: "Where's the fun in that?"

To the OP, learn to fly from the right seat. My wife sits left seat whether she is flying or not...problem solved:)
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Her Serene Highness

No fear, but no desire to fly the plane. (Don't tell her I posted this or my head might be severed.)

My wife...

would wig-out to wake up and find us inverted.

And I have _exactly_ the same stop-drilled crack in my canopy!


Take care here !

My wife does not like flying in little airplanes, however, one day last summer, I had to take some skydive stuff down country and she said yes !


We set off.

This was the video

Bless -

Now, if you search the other videos on my channel, you will find out what she really said :eek:

She is a bit of a potty mouth at times :)

Still love her though :D:D
Fearless flyers

My biggest problem is passenger (wife) "get there-itis". Ceiling can be 200' with convection and she just wants to file IFR and go. I'm the big chicken. She took up distance running at age 57. Out of town races are a great excuse to fly. John
We have the other form of get-there-itis

Takes her about 10 minutes at cruise on a beautiful VFR day and a 300 mile leg: "Are we almost there? Cuz I'm getting claustrophobic."

Hopefully the 10's going to change that.