
Well Known Member
I see the Garmin nav data package is $300. The Jepp nav data package is $440. Also, with jepp, you have to buy the jepp skybound reader for $70, and then also buy the garmin reader for $70 in order to buy terrain data from garmin (jepp doesn't sell terrain data).

With garmin, you buy their one garmin reader for $70, and you can download nav and terrain data both from garmin.

Why do folks use Jeppesen for nav data? Am I missing something?
Swapping cards between tails?

I've read that Jepp navdata cards can be swapped into other similar units. For example, one person who has access to multiple aircraft with a 430W in each could take the most current card with him from one plane to another and the card/data works in whichever 430W it is inserted. Multiple reports confirm this is possible with Jepp navdata cards.

Does the Garmin option allow that, or is it tied to a single tail number and not transferable?

I'm not sure if this varies different between the 430/530W and 650/750 series, so it'd be nice to hear any data-sharing experience and the series type. (Maybe that restriction was for G3x or just the newer 650/750 series... my brain seems to recall some tail number restriction with Garmin data but hopefully someone can clarify.)

Lastly, thanks blueflyer for bringing this up (no deletion recommended!) as it may save me some a gas money! I hadn't seen the prior discussion about Jepp possibly matching the Garmin data rate.
You can't swap databases on a GTN 650/750. They are tied to each individual unit's system ID when you download updates from FlyGarmin.
You can't swap databases on a GTN 650/750. They are tied to each individual unit's system ID when you download updates from FlyGarmin.

That's true with flygarmin, but I'm not sure about Jepp. I got into a discussion with a person selling Jepp data and was told it wasn't serialized. Unfortunately, I don't have first hand knowledge of that.

I do have first hand knowledge that if you fat finger your serial number of flygarmin, it isn't going to work when you download your data. :eek:
That's true with flygarmin, but I'm not sure about Jepp. I got into a discussion with a person selling Jepp data and was told it wasn't serialized. Unfortunately, I don't have first hand knowledge of that.

I do have first hand knowledge that if you fat finger your serial number of flygarmin, it isn't going to work when you download your data. :eek:

I removed a Jepp 430W navdata card from my RV and it worked fine another plane's 430W kept in the same hangar. Web pireps show the same. So it works with Jepp cards in 430's (at least those programmed with the older JSUM, that is. Newer JDM likely also, tho not yet confirmed.)

So that might be the only benefit to the Jepp nav data option in the 430/530w series-- being able to bring your most current card to any GNS in a different plane you're flying.

Anyone been able to successfully swap *Jepp* nav data cards between different GTN 650/750's?
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You can't swap databases on a GTN 650/750. They are tied to each individual unit's system ID when you download updates from FlyGarmin.

Any idea on whether you can swap cards in between 400W series units if you got your data from flygarmin?
Any idea on whether you can swap cards in between 400W series units if you got your data from flygarmin?

The GTNs have a serialized module that is installed in one of the DB connectors. Flygarmin encrypts the download with the serial number as the key, so it will only work in one aircraft. This device is associated with the tray, not the radio.

The older units don't have this feature. I don't believe that there is any way to stop you from sharing data on a 400 series GPS.
Jepp doesn't match anymore.

I had been using Jepp for many years. Garmin lowered their prices last year. While at OSH last year Jepp reps told me they would match Garmin when renewal time came. Last month I tried that and Jepp rep told me we don't match anymore. Itold them I had been with them a long time and asked if they cared if they lost a loyal customer. They didn't.

They lost a long time customer. I now, for 50 bucks a year more than Jepp Navdata get Navdata, Safe Taxi, Obstacles and Terrain. Or, you can save a bunch by ust getting the Navdata.

Both are easy to update and seamless to use. Jeppesen is not concerned about customer loyalty.