
I'm New Here
I may be a bit slow but after reading the description of rv34678910......
on the vans web site, I am at a loss.

What is the real difference between a RV-7 and a -9??
I know the 9 isn't aerobatic, but what qualities does it have that make it worth it?

I am just not sure what makes a 2 seat RV any different than the other 2 seat RV.

RV-9 has a longer wing with results in a bit more stability and slower stall speed. Slightly slower than the 7 in cruise, but it cruises more efficiently (and maybe as fast?) at altitude. Interior space is identical. For me the key difference was the lower stall speed and efficient cruise, and I don't do aerobatics.

I may be a bit slow but after reading the description of rv34678910......
on the vans web site, I am at a loss.

What is the real difference between a RV-7 and a -9??
I know the 9 isn't aerobatic, but what qualities does it have that make it worth it?

I am just not sure what makes a 2 seat RV any different than the other 2 seat RV.


The 9 really has a completely different wing... different sort of mission in some ways with it as well. the other is a lot of people use the recommended engine for the 9 which is different than the 7. obviously some go with bigger engines, some smaller. were happy with our choice, although i'm still on the fence of where to put the other wheel.
just try to figure out what you want to do with the plane, your budget,etc. and build the one you want. except for the 10, i'd be happy with any of them!
I have regular access to both types.

The -9 uses a wing with a different airfoil and aspect ratio (length vs chord) than the -7. It also has progressive Fowler flaps (extend down and back like a Cessna vs. plain hinged flaps on the RV-7 and Cherokee.) The -9 also has a different horiz stabilizer and elevator than the -7, larger to work with the bigger flaps.

Our 170HP / FP -7 and 160HP / FP -9 are very similar in a race. The -7 has faster roll rates, which is good for yanking and banking. The -9 is a slightly better cross country cruiser, in my opinion. Roll rates in the -9 are WAY faster than most production a/c, but noticably slower / heavier than the "short wing" RVs.

The -9 sits slightly taller on the gear. Hard to notice unless they are sitting right next to each other.

I think the -9 feels a better at a slightly slower final approach speed. But that may be because I have more time in the -9 and and am a little more comfortable with it.

Fuselages are exactly the same.

Bottom line - If aerobatics are your thing, get a -7. If not, I'd give a slight edge to the -9. You won't be dissapointed either way.
9 difference

Not as much fuel! Can affect your flight planning.

The 9 flies more like a 10 than the other RV's . It's a better trainer because of more stability.
The 9 is also like a glider with the power at idle.. descends at around 400fpm or better and doesn't want to come down - which is a nice feature to have.. I prefer the responsiveness on the shorter wings of the 6 though :D
True. 36 vs 42 gal. Need to pee vs. HAVE to pee. ;)

HAR HAR HAR!!! Laughed out loud in my office at this one. After 2-3 hours in an RV I am ready to land and get out anyway. Since winning endurance races was not in my mission profile the smaller tanks suit me just fine.
True. 36 vs 42 gal. Need to pee vs. HAVE to pee. ;)
I guess if I had 6 more gallons I would be able to travel an additional 50 minutes, or 125 miles, further at the rate of cruise I normally fly. However, I am not sure the additional range would be that much more beneficial given the range I currently have with 36 gallons. I cruise at approximately 150 mph while burning 7.0 gph or less (I will be finding out what the fuel burn is at 9500' soon as we climb to that altitude and cruise to Sun n Fun). Including the increased burn rate during climb out (If it takes 9.5 minutes @ 15 gph to get to a cruise altitude of 9500', I will be burning 2.375.), my range is approximately 5 hours before I completely run the fuel dry.

Now I normally would be able to hold off on peeing that long but I can sure tell you my wife will not be able to do so. :D We are planning our first long cross-country trip to Sun n Fun in our 9A in less than two weeks. I am only planning for maximum legs of 3 hours. We should be safely within the parameters of both the remaining fuel available and the maximum bladder retention capabilities of machine and humans. It will be our first flight into Sun n Fun. Looking forward to it.

As far as the other characteristics of the 9A, I have flown transition training in an RV6 and briefly been in the back seat of JayBird's RV8. Both of those planes were hotrod screaming machines next to mine. However, the difference between my 9A and any GA airplane in the typical training/rental fleet (Cessna 150/172, Piper Cherokees, etc.) you may have flown, is exponentially greater than you can imagine.

The 9 is only slightly slower than the 7's that I have been around down low and, although I have no first hand experience with it yet, I am told may even exceed the speed of the 7 at higher altitudes. It does have a slower stall speed and handles very nicely at slow speeds. It is an extremely stable airplane. I know there are a lot of people here who love aerobatics but I love the RV9A when I set the GPS course, turn on the TruTrak VSGV autopilot, sit back and just enjoy the scenery pass by. The RV9A is a great airplane for that.

It meets my needs very well. RV GRIN --> :D
Hi Steve..

...... It does have a slower stall speed and handles very nicely at slow speeds. It is an extremely stable airplane. I know there are a lot of people here who love aerobatics but I love the RV9A when I set the GPS course, turn on the TruTrak VSGV autopilot, sit back and just enjoy the scenery pass by. The RV9A is a great airplane for that.

It meets my needs very well. RV GRIN --> :D

The -9 is also one of my favorite RV's....especially on cross-countries.

Try her at 8500 and 9500' and it'll surprise you just like my -10 did. We both have the thicker, high lift airfoils that love the thinner air.

I plan on arriving Wednesday morning at SnF....see ya,
Extended range tanks

If you are looking for long range cruising you can get extended range tanks for the RV-9 to bring it to 45 gals. I have them and they look great. I hope to try them soon?
My son and I are excited about SNF this year because we are both on spring break that week. He is on break from 9th grade and I am on break from my college teaching duties. No worries about missing school/work days. :)

We will be flying my -9 to SNF for the 5th straight year. Come by homebuilt camping to see one of the rarest of RVs....the -9 taildragger! We will be there from Tues. to Wed.

After 560hrs and almost 5 years I'm still lovin' every minute and have no regrets.
Look for me at SnF!

I am looking forward to my first flight into SnF. Look for me somewhere around this airplane! It will be parked in the HB area.


By steveingraham at 2011-01-07


By steveingraham at 2011-01-03
Homebuilt Camping?

... Come by homebuilt camping to see one of the rarest of RVs....the -9 taildragger! ...

We're planning to go to Sun n Fun with our -9A as well. I checked the Sun n Fun Notam (see page 24), and there is no Homebuilt Camping (only homebuilt parking) from what I can tell. Is this an oversight? Only camping mentioned in the Notam is Vintage, Overnight, and General Aviation.

A friend of mine had gone last year and recalled that there was a homebuilt camping area.

Sun n Fun Notam
http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/notices/2011-03-10/2011 SUN N FUN NOTAM 011311.pdf