
Well Known Member
I have a nice RV6A well equipped and flying for over 13-years now. No trouble in over 1,400 flights.

My need for another plane is zero. But, I am now 78-years old, but in excellent condition. My weight is less than when I got out of Navy boot camp at the age of 17. I have absolutely no physical problems or indications of any future trouble. My 3rd class medical was just renewed so I am good for another two years.

So why the RV-12 now? At some point time takes its toll. I don't want two planes, but I am starting the tail of the RV-12 now, and will make a multi-year project out of the -12, trying to time its completion with any suspicion of being unable to get pass the medical examiner. When that time comes I will just let the 3rd class certificate expire quietly. Then the -6A will be sold and I hope I will be able to seamlessly move into LSA in the RV-12.

That's the grand plan. I hope it all works out that way.

John I am sure there are plenty of RVers who are thinking as we do. I am 73 and have built two RVs over the past thirteen years. But, like you I have no desire to push for another physical even though I am current thur 2010. It was hard parting with my 2005 RV-9. The Twelve is a good flying airplane, but it doesn't compare to the Nine in my opinion.
Repeat RV Builder
RV-12, N6GC, Wing, Fuselage built, presently mating tail cone to fuselage
J-3, NC88583
Sounds like a plan to me.

I can only hope that I am still flying at 78.

Good luck, and good flying!
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I'm confused!

My need for another plane is zero. But, I am now 78-years old, but in excellent condition.

Your profile says you were born in 1945.
I was born 2 years prior to that and I'm only 65.

Actually I was born in 1930 but I never give the correct date when adding other information because of the ID theft problem so perversive today.

I'm of like mind at keeping on flying at 68. I however am also a glider pilot and am looking at motor glider as my out. There you can fly without a drivers license and with aircraft that do not have the resrictions of the light sport and perform at or better. Looking at the RV12 and Vans glider background I would not be supprised that the RV13 is a motor glider version of the RV12. It already incorporates many of the glider attributes like detachable wings and control connects. I recently visited the Van's factory and there is a secret research room to which only a few are addmitted. Betcha a motor glider is in the making. Too much BS in the light sport to suit me. Read the LSA maintenace article in this months AOPA as and example
Actually I was born in 1930 but I never give the correct date when adding other information because of the ID theft problem so perversive today.


I wish everyone thought like that. If you have your birth date listed on here or anywhere on line you need to delete it ASAP! With your name and birthdate anyone can run a credit report on your and get all of your personal info and SSN.
Good idea. Better to plan ahead and let the medical expire when it's time, rather than flunking and either never flying again or fighting the system forever.

Sounds good to me John. I'm in almost the same position - age 73, 3rd class good so far, RV-7a better than 95% done. But, going LSA looks like the best way to keep flying longer and everything I've heard about the RV-12 is good, good, good. Easy to build, less expensive to build and to fly. Do I need to cruise at 180 mph? I don't think so, 120 would be just fine on a lot less gas. I'll continue working on the RV-7a fro now but wouldn't hesitate to part with it and start on an RV-12.