
Well Known Member
New builder here, ready to prime HS. Any reason rattle-cans of zinc oxide won't suffice, or is it just not kosher to use anything but epoxy? Opinions?
Fine for the interior of the HS. I would wait until you are ready to paint the outside.

Primer needs to be compatible with paint used for best adherance. Do you know what paint you are going to use for finish? Also, primer that is not fresh has to be resanded for best adherance. Again, another reason to wait. Another reason if you have it professionally painted, they will have paint guns that will exceed what you can do with a rattle can.

I'm not a painter....just an opinion from what I've learned along a way. I'm sure others will give you more/better reasons.
Hello, New builder here, ready to prime HS.

Jim, welcome to VAF.

Scroll down to the lower part of the page, look for the "forum jump" dropdown menu.

Look for the "never ending debate" section towards the bottom.

Click on "primer"

Sit back, and enjoy.

Hey Chief... welcome to the family... I first bought some PPG DX 1791/92 primer that was translucent so I could see through it and preserve my writing... however a very knowledgeable gentleman introduced me to a water based primer. His name is Randy Walls and he is building a 9. He should be able to answer your question... I've heard that the zinc chromate products lose their working ability after several years.... so along with being incredibly dangerous to your health.... the zinc Chromates are not the newest technology..... but for a short answer.... It will be fine... go have fun and build!
Brian Wallis
SEM makes a great self etching primer. Prine the inside of all parts.......... nothing on the outside........... leave that for the painters. I have a 32 year old Piper PA28151 and there is no primer on any interinal surface......... I live 15 miles from the coast and the inside of the wings and fuse look like new.................. go figure!!
Primer war!

Primer war, primer war!!! :eek:

Jim- Like Mike S. said, the choice of primer has been an unending debate in these forums, literally for years! Every now and again it heats up, and occasionally it really gets ugly. Before you instigate another round (if it isn't too late already), why don't you go search the forums and read what's already been discussed ad nauseum. You will find volumes of anecdotes and opinions, but also a few tidbits of factual information hidden among them.

Peace :cool:
Zinc Chromate is what I used, Zinc Oxide would be OK too. Self etching primer work fine, and NO primer works. Epoxy is simply the most durable primer available for working with, and is fast becoming the industry standard (over Zinc Chromate, for health concerns).
I have been using NAPA 7220 self etching primer in rattle cans. Works well. Good luck.
Rick Maury
RV 7
Tail and wings done, Fuselege in progress
I used PPG epoxy for the first two years of construction before switching to self-etch rattle-can (SEM or NAPA). If I had to start over again I would go right for the self-etch from the beggining without ever giving it a second thought. Just my $.02.