
Active Member
hi folks, still being a student pilot I am curious to own a decent relative newer preowned Rv4 but hard to find one ( other fav model is RV9A but can not afford right now). there are many RV6 out there for sale. for low time pilots RV9/RV12 would be better choice ( better glide ratio and slow landing)?. I hope genourous RV owners will forgive me for being looking stupid but this is what going through my mind.
best regards
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Welcome to VAF:D!

I'm sure there are many variations of 20 year old 4's flying, but as a student pilot I'm guessing you may be learning in a 50 year old Cessna. $$ well spent for a prebuy inspection on any RV you are serious in .

Building a "newer" RV-4, in this era of the much easier pre-punched / matched hold kits, is a labour of love and devotion.

Few would choose to go through that process with the intention of then selling at a price well below what they had paid for the kit etc. That might be why there are few out there for sale? i.e. it is not just a buy / sell asset with a market price - the builder has a lot more invested in it!
Build them.... love them.


Most of us that build them took a long time deciding which RV to build and went for the 4 because its the best handling after the 3, can offer two seats and is an all round great aeroplane. We know ours intimately, inside and out and dont want to part with them.

Strange I dont have this passion over the 9 I not strange at all!!!:D