
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Because she got her prop back and went flying for the first time since late September!


Whirlwind replaced all three blades, machined the hub and put it all back together beautifully. The box they shipped it in is a keeper - ready for the next maintenance cycle, it would be a shame to lose it. I ran it up on the ground after installation, checked for leaks, then took it up over the field for about twenty minutes. Running great, very smooth - but we'll still look for a Dynamic Balance somewhere here in the Reno area. Walt has always done our balance work, but he's a long ways away.
Paul, Do you know/can you say what design/material changes were made for this blade connector design to eliminate the failure?
BBQ fill up

I have plenty of room in Hanger 8 for the 3, and a B&B for you. Call Walt.
Paul, Do you know/can you say what design/material changes were made for this blade connector design to eliminate the failure?

Not yet - I think these were made pretty much the same way as before, and there are thousands of this type of blade flying. The folks at Whirlwind say this is the first time they've seen this failure, and I am comfortable with what I know to fly these new ones (and do an early inspection).

Hope to see if they do some failure analysis on the originals to see what happened.

I have plenty of room in Hanger 8 for the 3, and a B&B for you. Call Walt.

Yes....but I have to find the time! Maybe if someone I knew in the area had built a new jet that needed to be tested, I'd have an excuse.....;)

Ray Pasch at CXP does prop balance. Did a great job. I bet he would drive all the way out to your place😋 . I'll send you his number.


P.S. Do you know if the RV74 has the same blade design, i.e. The part in the hub that cracked? Hope not...
Thanks Joel - I think I'll have the equipment available to me that will also generate a good artcile for the magazine - but I'd liek to know who has them local as well - good for everyone to know!