
Active Member

My a/c is equipped with a GXM 40 XM antenna. It's connected with my Garmin 696. I didn't install it and I don't seem to find the Radio ID number at the bottom of the antenna.

Sirius XM has found the ID number on their system through the tail number. So that is what we've used to try and activate the subscription. However this doesn't seem to work and their tech team seems unable to help.

On the 696 there aren't many options or setting I can play with.

Long shot but does anyone have an idea what might be going on? I kept the a/c outside in the open and had the GPS running for almost two hours without luck. I have email the previous owner to see if he can double check the Radio ID number so let's see.

About to embark on a coast-to-coast trip so would be good to have XM weather up and running.


I used to have a SiriusXM subscription and dropped it. Because I don?t fly every day Sirius kept ?dropping? my unit from its service and I had to call and have them re-ping my receiver. Besides ads-b ?in? provides free weather which I find for ?strategic flying? purposes is just as useful. Not a big fan of SiriusXM now that free weather is available!
Fair point. I do however have a panel mount 696 so it would be great to have weather straight on the 696 and not on the ipad on my knee. I would not have bought the antenna but it's all in there already.

XM antenna I.D. number listed in the 696

Doesn?t the XM antenna I.D. show up on the 696? I?m not sure which menu/tab it shows up under, but I?m almost positive that it?s in there somewhere. I?d try to find it and confirm that it?s the same one that?s associated with your N-number.
The problem I had with exactly your set up was that the tech. support people I was given to did not have any more experience than me on getting things going. After enough frustration on many calls I insisted on a supervisor and things at Sirius got resolved. That time it was their equipment that was the problem.
Stupid me I did not get the supervisor's name and I had to call tech. support again and they still tried to tell me that it was my unit that was the problem even after I told them their supervisor said it was theirs. That time I had to get mad and insist I spoke to the supervisor.
That's my rant and I'm sticking to it. Got my unit up and running last fall and have not used it since, we will see this spring. Quite expensive for what use I get out of it for me. Don't know if I will renew?

My a/c is equipped with a GXM 40 XM antenna. It's connected with my Garmin 696. I didn't install it and I don't seem to find the Radio ID number at the bottom of the antenna.

Sirius XM has found the ID number on their system through the tail number. So that is what we've used to try and activate the subscription. However this doesn't seem to work and their tech team seems unable to help.

On the 696 there aren't many options or setting I can play with.

Long shot but does anyone have an idea what might be going on? I kept the a/c outside in the open and had the GPS running for almost two hours without luck. I have email the previous owner to see if he can double check the Radio ID number so let's see.

About to embark on a coast-to-coast trip so would be good to have XM weather up and running.



Hello Roger,

The current Rev. G of the GPSMAP 696 pilot's guide, beginning on page 182, explains 3 places where you can display the GXM 40 radio ID on the 696.

It would be good to verify that the antenna is properly connected and the radio ID is displayed before calling SXM.

You can always contact us by phone or email shown below if you need assistance.

Hello Roger,

The current Rev. G of the GPSMAP 696 pilot's guide, beginning on page 182, explains 3 places where you can display the GXM 40 radio ID on the 696.

It would be good to verify that the antenna is properly connected and the radio ID is displayed before calling SXM.

You can always contact us by phone or email shown below if you need assistance.


Thanks Steve - I just realized looking at the pages you suggested, that there is no Radio ID visible in the WX menu. My 696 is in an AirGizmo mount and the mini-USB is connected, so I don't think the connection is the issue. I am not sure why the Radio ID isn't showing? Shouldn't that show after the antenna is connected with Sirius XM? Pls not I only have the aviation service, and not radio. So I only get weather etc.

Thanks for responding. Appreciated!

Thanks Steve - I just realized looking at the pages you suggested, that there is no Radio ID visible in the WX menu. My 696 is in an AirGizmo mount and the mini-USB is connected, so I don't think the connection is the issue. I am not sure why the Radio ID isn't showing? Shouldn't that show after the antenna is connected with Sirius XM? Pls not I only have the aviation service, and not radio. So I only get weather etc.

Thanks for responding. Appreciated!


Hello Rogier,

Yes, you should see the Radio ID if it is communicating with the GXM 40.

You might remove it all from the mount and inspect and re-connect everything.

The latest software is V7.70. Is your unit up-to-date?

I just realized looking at the pages you suggested, that there is no Radio ID visible in the WX menu. My 696 is in an AirGizmo mount and the mini-USB is connected, so I don't think the connection is the issue.

Uh oh.

Does you AirGizmo mount have a clearance slot in the frame sidewall adjacent to the mini USB connector? Early AirGizmos did not have a slot, so the mini USB was in contact with the AirGizmo frame, which would break the USB socket's connection to the 696's internal circuit board. Back in the day, the Garmin service staffers were quite familiar with the issue.

After switching to a slotted AirGizmo frame, I filed the slot even deeper, just for insurance.
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696 and siriius

I have the same setup with 696 and sirius antenna. Dan is exactly right about the clearance on plug side of the air gizmo for the 696. Get out the dremel.
I got tired of paying Sirius for the 696 account when the airplane was not flying so I bought a car unit which mostly lives in the hangar and provides music all the time. Extra antenna on roof. Move it to the 4 when on a trip. Velcro the antenna to the roll bar
and deal with the power wire and the antenna wire. My bet is that the connection is bad between your antenna and the 696. Not sure if the connections are the same but maybe try connecting an auto sirius antenna to your 696 and look for a connection message. I had a perfectly looking sirius antenna that would not be recognized by the auto sirius unit. Sirius sent a new one and all was well. Hope it works out.