
Well Known Member
A lengthy story, but here's the first paragraph:

It's important to realize, but perhaps not intuitively obvious, that the act of building an airplane typically does not happen in a vacuum. The reality is that the airplane building project, even as meritorious as it is, often has to be set aside in favor of competing demands on my limited amounts of disposable time. Time, I've learned, is often very like money in a couple of respects: first, you seem to never enough of either, and second, you typically have more of one than the other.

Too long to post here, so here's the link:


It's been one of those weeks....
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You probably don't want to hear about the 3TB MyBook Essentials that simply plug into a USB port and work immediately/effortlessly that I've been using to store my video library - so just pretend I didn't say anything.:p On the other hand, my routers won't recognize any disk over 2TB, so I have to run them off an old computer connected to the network to use them as network storage. *sigh* Nothing's perfect.

But I've had computer problems like that before and, working as a tech, helped others with similar problems. I used to have a cartoon on my wall of a computer screen with "Getting ... mad ... won't ... help ..." on it and an axe buried in the top of it.
Hilarious, Dave! I do feel your pain, buddy, but you did a great job of pouring out your frustrations.

Of particular note was that you retained your composure enough to recognize that taking the shotgun to the computer would necessarily have to precede pointing it the other way. :D

Do let us know the outcome of both projects.
Try an apple computer (You can even run windows on them ;) ).
AVGAS in the Netherlands at the moment $14,77/USG :(
Very timely


My wife has been agonizing over a problem with our desktop for two days, something about a recent windows update that has caused it to lock up after about ten minutes. Anyway, I read this to her while she was working on it and your humorous dissertation has probably resulted in a short reprieve for our computer's demise, at least till she stops laughing anyway!

I have an iMac at home but the RV-6A still sits...

Because at work I am forced to use a PC. The Accident Reconstruction drawing and animation software only runs in Windows. Even worse, I have been forced to upgrade from XP to Windows 7.

After complaining for years to the AR sofware people, I finally asked the right question: "Is the reason you don't have a Mac version because your code is too unstable to meet Mac certification requirements." The answer: "You are correct."

At least they didn't lie to me.

My IT guy and I just spent a combined total of 60 hrs. trying to get the AR program to run (again) on my laptop. We finally went to a back-up two months old, 3 days before the software was installed the first time. Installed then, it ran fine out of the box, so why no joy this time? Needed a new key, activated over the internet and the software supplier's server was screwed up. We were the ones that "helped" them discover it.

The lost billable hours and IT expense add up to a lot of AvGas I won't be buying or using.

Just the thread I needed...

I bought a My Book Essentials (1TB) a year ago, with Windows 7. Now having a working RV12, I thought last weekend was the time to install the external drive and upgrade to V7 from XP.

Like a dummy, I had faith in the software backup package that came with disk. It gave me the option to backup everything, which I did.

After V7 trashed my system drive as part of the upgrade, the fun started. That's where I realised that "backup everything" doesn't mean that, or even close. Several days later I am still messing about, having lost 15 years of personal accounting data amongst much else. I'll spare you the details.

So you have my commiserations too...
