vic syracuse

Well Known Member
OK, it's the week before the Big One, and I thought I would start a POSITIVE only thread. It seems like we are bombarded with a lot of negativity these days (fuel prices, commutes, elections year, war, etc.) and I've been watching the other thread about reasons to not go. While there's nothing wrong with it, and everyone has reasons for doing the things they do, I thought it might be fun this week to just focus on the reasons TO go. We all need a laugh once in a while. Let's face it, while building these airplanes can be fun, they are also work at times!

So here goes. I'll stick my neck out. :)

Reasons I'm going to OSH:

-Just because!
-DR and Tim Olson will be there
-I've finished my 7A and need a place to go with my wife
-I get to talk about aviation all week (if I can stay off the blackberry!)
-Our best friends in life meet there every year (well not quite Every year, but almost)
-I get to see airplanes I can only dream about
-I get to meet people who saw the dark side of aviation (war)
-I get to meet and talk to creative people
-DAR recurrent training at OSH has to be better than OKC! Of course, it's probably in a tent with no windows)
-We get out of the Atlanta heat for a week!
-I have to go pick up my free SPOT

What's your list?

It this one of those reverse physcology things again? My head is starting to hurt.

My list;

1. It is always good to spend a week looking at airplanes, talking to airplane people, looking at airplane stuff.
2. I help out at a couple of booths and they need me there. (at least I think they do ;))
3. I woundn't miss it for the world.
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Dittos for all the above Vic!

Oshkosh may not be perfect, but it's the best we have as an aviation community living in an aviation-neutral-to-hostile environment. Let's not repeat the same mistake that the famous philosopher Pogo once identified when he said "we has met the enemy and he is us."

An additional reason for everyone else to come is to see Vic's new RV-7A which is just as nice as his RV-10.

DUH dont forget that they are releasing a jet pack that will make us all fly around like buck rogers that runs on gasoline! I for one will be there to see it. Now for what that little machine will cost....anyway back to my ebaying to make gas money to get there. See you all soon!
I concur with everything that Vic mentioned.

Additionally, the RV-10 HQ in Camp Scholler is the key reason I'm returning this year. I learned so much form other builder's hanging out at the camp site, that their camaraderie and friendship is now the primary reason for returning. Where else can you find 24 other folks camping together that have very similar interests and are eager to share their lessons learned? I?m sure that there are other similar examples all throughout Camp Scholler of this too with other OBAM models.

The vendor booths, aircraft displays, and the air show are just icing on the cake.
1. For the challenge and sense of accomplishment of flying into the show
2. Totally blocking out day to day life and emersing myself in airplanes
3. I only live 80NM away, so I really don't have an excuse to not go
4. If I don't go, I'll be crabby until Airventure 2009 and my staff at my office won't be able to stand me!
1. Because I have two RV projects in my hanger and have NEVER been to osh!
2. Because I have a CFII/A&P so I can probably beg a free ride of someone.
3. I don't have to take time off work since I'm pretty much jobless.
Because whan I pull into homebuilt camping, shut down, accept a greeting from a great volunteer

I just feel ay home.

New planes to see
New people to meet
Huge sense of cummunity
Love to sit by "Miss Sue" and talk/answer questions

I'll leave the minor negatives at home, just hope the weather cooperates so I can get there this year, hopefully with another RV guy from here in Athens in the back seat, Neil Carlisle, who flies a 7A with subaroo. He and I got signed off the same day back in 05

Oh did I mention the chance to see all those other airplanes. Last time I stood under the B-1 nose and listened to the Beach Boys--geez, somthing will happend that makes it a memory!! rocket planes, dreamlifter, I can't wait
Now your talking!

Because I have been looking forward to this year since 3 days after last Oshkosh.

Because, since January, I have had a count down clock ticking away the minutes, and it would be silly to have a count down clock to a non-event.

The other half

-Not having to cook for a week
-The joy of rising to get to the airplane so Vic can wipe it down before the dew dries
-Talking with builders and their wives (no I have no secret for getting your wife to help with the build
-A much happier spouse when totally immersed in aviation
-A tour of the flightline with all the variety of aircraft
-having a tail to sit under (a plus for a models)
great thread!

I'm going because:
  • I'll get to hang out with my dad for a few days.
  • I've never been to Oshkosh before.
  • Maybe, I'll get to meet some of you characters in real life; match some faces up with avatars.
  • I signed up for a free SPOT too.
  • The week afterwards, I'm bringing my project to its new home, putting an end to 4 months of not working on it.
The airplanes, the old friends, the new friends, the variety, the music, the laughter, some of the food, the excitement, gossip, new things, old things, neat things, dumb things, provocative things.

Volunteering every year has been very rewarding for Rich and me and we would deeply miss not being there. Giving something back as volunteers makes the whole experience a most rewarding one.

"Roger" all of the above reasons.
All seriousness aside. I go because the B E E R tastes better in Wisconsin :D

Bernie "Smoker" Ockuly

Gotta be there!
Love the airplanes, the people, forums, theatre in the woods, war-birds, probably wont ever have my own P51 so love to be near.
Love to sit near my RV and talk about it to interested folks. Bringing a new one this year. Look for 'Borrowed Horse' in home built camping, say hi.
Falcon Flight! I built # 4, the slot plane, with the smoke on! Back in 1995. Put 500 hours on it before Roy bought it.
I have missed a few Oshkosh fly ins since 1980, but not many. I have 6 SHOWPLANE mugs in my window. Plan to bring a few more home before its over.
This is THE event for people that LOVE aviation. Come if you can.
We can use more positive posts!

My reasons for going
1-I really enjoyed myself last year!

2-I may actually get to use the new rain coats we bought.

3-I will just spend the money somewhere else anyway. Might as well enjoy it!!

4-It is kinda like giving a young child a taste of candy for the first time and then taking it away. You wouldn't want a grown man kicking and screaming for the next twelve months until next year.....Would ya?

Hope to see you there.:D

Todd Crowl
Northwest OH
Cuz I been going since 1991

My 18th year and I cannot miss it. I'll think about skipping Osh once I have 20 years under my belt. Also because:

My friends go
Make new friends
My wife likes to go
I like to go
See cool new stuff
And last but not least, spend lots o money without the wife complaining about it.
The Main Reason for

me is that I get to spend some time with my wife and kids (12 & 8). My son and I back in '04 few up for the first time in our 2 seat challenger, only took two days to get there, about 750 miles. Took us only 4 days to return. The trip there and back was what we remember the most. We had a blast. My wife and daughter has went with us ever since. I do enjoy the airplanes but the time with friends, and of course, family has been THE main reason we go.
No construction site safety walks, no crisis management planning, no schedules, no meetings, no email, (well, there is the Blackberry:() no Visio, no process mapping, LOTS of green trees and lakes, NOT IN THE STINKIN DESERT!! Hope it rains, friends, house Grand Mom Bonnie (house on the lake where we (friends) stay) and her great 6 AM coffee on the porch with her dog, airplanes, freinds, friends, friends, no work, Rhonda:D and Allen:rolleyes: from Barrett's, all the RV-10 crowd, scantly dressed fairys in the hangar, Kodiak Jacks and meeting and talking to some of the best people in the world. See everyone next week.!!!:D

My 18th year and I cannot miss it. I'll think about skipping Osh once I have 20 years under my belt.

If you go for 20 years in a row, you must surely go for 25 years as that will be your silver anniversary. Then why not try for 50 in a row?? ;)

I'm going because I found out that our trip story about the Turks and Caicos will be in the August issue of Sport Aviation which will be handed out at OSH. And besides, if Gary's going I have to go.
...I go because...

1. I don't care what it costs.
2. I don't want to know what it costs.
3. For a few days I don't have to care about the other stuff I could be doing.
4. I enjoy hanging out with my close friends.
5. I enjoy seeing the folks I only see once a year.
6. I get to drink lots of beer and whiskey, and don't have to worry about how I'm getting home.
7. I like to see some innovation, can't see a lot of it on the internet.
8. I like to learn.
9. I might find some hard to find items that I need.
10. I like being around airplanes.

This is the 19th year in a row for me.
Man I can't resist joining in on this one!

Why am I going to OSH this year?

#1. Because I will NEVER EVER miss an OSH, even for my own funeral.
#2. Because RV-10 HQ in Camp Scholler houses my best of friends.
#3. Because even though Vic doesn't fly an RV-10 anymore, I still get to hang out with him and talk about cool panel stuff.
#4. Because Scott and RaNae Schmidt are just the greatest, and I get to camp with them!
#5. Because even the kids are pumped for this year.
#6. If 100LL or fossil fuels in general are going away, I'm going to make the most out of flying while I can!
#7. Because there's nothing like waking up early and walking the flightline while it's cool and quiet, and you're surrounded by over 10,000 planes.
#8. Because my camper is already there waiting for me.
#9. Because my wife would leave me for another builder if I became too bored and lazy to fly into OSH.
#10. Because going to OSH is the only way for me to get one of Stein's new T-Shirts.

Oh, and one more....

Because even when your kit is completed, you can always find something you need to buy at OSH! Definitely getting a gallon of Simple Green Aviation next week....I tried a head to head with Spray Nine AV8 and Simple Green Aviation today on the belly, and Simple Green kicked it's butt big time.

1. I don't care what it costs.
2. I don't want to know what it costs.
3. For a few days I don't have to care about the other stuff I could be doing.
4. I enjoy hanging out with my close friends.
5. I enjoy seeing the folks I only see once a year.
6. I get to drink lots of beer and whiskey, and don't have to worry about how I'm getting home.
7. I like to see some innovation, can't see a lot of it on the internet.
8. I like to learn.
9. I might find some hard to find items that I need.
10. I like being around airplanes.

This is the 19th year in a row for me.


Your signarure is the BEST!!

70 Degree Weather
32 Degree Beer
150 Degree Brats
Great People
and Rocketpacks and Rocket EZ's
and AIRPLANES and Good Friends.
Man - I might have to go now.

Well between airplanes, beer, friends and Foreigner I might have to try to get up there for a few days. I'll see what my daughter thinks about going. I have to be back home on the 31st to play a music gig. We can give my daughters car a road trip test (she just turned 16).
Somebody pinch me!

Did you ever think growing up that someday we might be able to build our own airplanes, fly them to OSH, be with our wives/girfriends/aviation friends, AND see some of our favorite rock n roll bands perform???!! Well, I dreamed about the airplane part, never heard of OSH, and even though I went to grade school with my wife I certainly never thought about how it would turn out. :)
I'm beginning to think that when I die and IF I get to go to "heaven" it will be a lateral move.
I sure hope I can get through all of these meetings this week. Hope to arrive Friday afternoon.

I'm going because:

1. Friends
2. Planes
3. So I can say, "What I did on my summer vacation..." and "This one time at plane camp..." :D
4. I look forward to meeting many of you face to face.

The only down side, my wife can't get off of work to join me and let me tell you, she is not happy about that. Even 6 months pregnant, she wants to go and sleep on the ground. On the positive side, I'm really lucky to have someone like her who really enjoys this crazy hobby.
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So I can finally get the "I flew my homebuilt to Oshkosh" coffee mug/patch/whatever after years of attending in a bud's 182.

See ya'll at the show,
Why go to oshkosh

1. Because this is the first year i am actually a ppl. Big deal to me.
2. This year i will look at the whole plane, not just take 400 pics of trim tabs!
3. Because this year i understand WAY more about everything from engines to glass work etc and will learn SOOOO much more.
4. Because its summer and spending it on a flight line is way cooler than pushing paper.
5. Because its a week with my wife and kids and all will enjoy it
6. Where else can you spend $25K in 7 minutes ordering an engine that you wont get for 6 months.
7. Because being stuck in Chicago traffic for hours at 3am pulling a 29 foot trailer is a right of passage.
8. Because i never have to drive toll rodes except for my trips to osh, and slowing down and handing someone 50 cents, and then spending $10 in fuel to get back up to highway speeds and then doing that over and over for what seems like an hour seems well...just part of the experience.
9. Because i can....and the whole thing, planes, people, summer is just friggen COOL. Cant wait.
#1 - Because I've never been before
#2 - Because it will be fun, and I've never been before
#3 - Because I've never been before

This showed up in the ATA SmartBrief this morning. They usually put some sort of "quote of the day" in their newsletter.

"You call it madness, but I call it love." --Don Byas, jazz musician

My thought is passions need to be fed to keep them alive. See you at Oshkosh........
why I'm going

1. THE beer tent
2. I get to fly my beat up Eze, park it in front of the tower and take a picture.
3. Dream about taking a picture of my new RV-7 in 2009
4. THE beer tent
5. EFIS fondling
6. It's Oshkosh. Oshkosh!!
7. Spend a craploadofmoney and I don't care (either)
8. THE beer tent
beer tent location?

2 years ago it was at the Castrol tent near the nature center. Where will it be this year?

1. Meet people from DR website
2. The taste of BEER and the smell of smoke oil:D
3. Nothing but kool airplanes for a week
4. Get away from this office for a while
5. Did i cover BEER , the beer budget exceeded the gas budget at SNF:eek:
After 28 consecutive years, I still get excited as July comes to a close and as I hear more and more air traffic filling the sky over our garage/hangar on the way to Oshkosh. It is the people, the airplanes, and this year something a bit more. Stein is brining along the avionics that will go into the panel he is building for us. And Bart and Sue (AeroSport Power) are displaying/delivering the engine that will soon mate with our project. It is Christmas in July!!
I am already counting the days until oshkosh trying to get everything ready.

This morning we had a crop duster buzzing the house spraying the fields around us. Now that really gets one thinking about the sounds of Oskosh:D. Tried to convince my wife we need to leave earlier....but still waiting.

Todd Crowl
Northwest OH
Why am I going?

1. To see all the airplanes
2. Hang out with friends and meet new ones with like interests
3. Dream of all the goodies to put into the -7
3. See the F-22 perform
4. Stop what I am doing and listen/watch any airplane that has an afterburner
5. Watch all the warbirds
6. Look for a HUD, FLIR and JATO for the -7 (this may take a while but will force me to walk the entire airport)
The airplanes, the old friends, the new friends, the variety, the music, the laughter, some of the food, the excitement, gossip, new things, old things, neat things, dumb things, provocative things.

Volunteering every year has been very rewarding for Rich and me and we would deeply miss not being there. Giving something back as volunteers makes the whole experience a most rewarding one.


Roberta: You'll be in the same booth this year?
One of the great pleasures is walking around the sea of RV's and other a/c before the gates open as the sun rises. Still cool air, dew soaked shoes, a few souls stirring, an initial early plane arrival - peaceful!
While my visit to Osh got cut off one day short due to weather, I had a great time!