
Well Known Member
This short tail applies to lots of airplanes but more so to EABs and especially to total performance airplanes like the RV line ...

One of the best things that we have with experimental home built aircraft is the ability to customize them to our own personal mission. My RV-8 is no different.

I purchased a flying airplane and began to change it to my mission. It already had two of my requisite characteristics - it was well built and it was frugal (both in its acquisition and operation). You'll notice I describe my airplane as "150hp FP". That should give you a sense of where it sits in the frugal category.

Over the handful of years I've owned it, I've continually specialized it for my brand of flying - "long hall solo adventures". It has a cruise propeller, it has an IFR panel, it has slightly larger main tires, and it occasionally sports a 22 gallon AUX tank.

This is not your typical RV-8. It is not fast. It doesn't get rolled or looped (but that is choice rather than implementation). It does not have many creature comforts. This *IS* my plane and it does what I honestly want it to do.

Today was no exception.

My schedule is a bit off from the usual. Mondays and Fridays are my free days and when the weather is good I like to go places. This schedule doesn't lend itself to flying with most of my friends. But, as I described, my mission seldom follows that pattern anyway.

So, a nice Monday and a 64 gallon RV-8. Sounds like the perfect combination for a 970 mile lunch run.

I told you "long hall adventures" :)

So my advice to everyone building or buying an RV is the same as what's been repeated hundreds of times before.

Build the plane you want, not the plane others want you to build.

... and ...

Keep pounding those rivets.

... and if you get the chance, stop in to 5TN4 and see some seriously great craftsmanship applied to an RV-14 build !