
Well Known Member
I have some confusion as to why the rivets in the picture below (lower left in red oval) aren't to be installed now? Any time I see "DO NOT RIVET YET", I try to find out: 1) why 2) when they are to be riveted.

In the case below, I can't find where the plans tell you when to install these rivets. If I'm reading the plans correctly, after the foam ribs are glued in, there's no way to get the "special bucking bar" on them. In reviewing various web pages, I don't see where anybody has had an issue with this so it's got to be something I'm missing. So for those of us who learn slowly and retain little:

1) Why are we to wait?
2) When do we install them?



Finally a question I know the answer to:

1) because you need to get in there later to buck some rivets on the counterbalance rib assembly
2) After the counterbalance rib assembly is riveted on
Finally a question I know the answer to:

1) because you need to get in there later to buck some rivets on the counterbalance rib assembly
2) After the counterbalance rib assembly is riveted on

BTW, those are a rather hard to rivet to buck and the plan allows for pop rivet. But I recommend sticking with the plan as each time I wondered why, later on I found the reason for it and it was very logical and I was glad to abide by their recommendation.
1) Why are we to wait?
2) When do we install them?

This is where I'm at right now.

Those two rivets that would otherwise be inaccessible and require use of pulled rivets are set on page 09-22, step 2. The remaining rivets are set in step 3.

BTW, if you haven't used the special bucking bar yet, it can be a little difficult to hold in place by yourself. Have someone else focus on holding the bucking bar while you rivet or use Emerit Ranu's technique to lock the bucking bar in the correct position: Elevators

Only problem there is that you have to re-clamp the wood blocks for every rivet.
Another thought: I suggest that, when there are holes that are not to be riveted, cover them with some painters tape. My helper and I got into such a rhythm riveting the rear spar on the left elevator that we ended up riveting the entire row before I remembered that I wasn't supposed to rivet the last bays on either end. No consequence except that those two holes on the top skin in common with the counterbalance skin will have to have the pulled rivets.