
Well Known Member
Hoping Dynon support can help me here or possibly a forum member that had the same issue. I have a D100 and D120 connected via DSAB. Both are configured to turn on/off based upon 12VDC input. The D100 has a B/U Batt and D120 does not.

When I turn off the Master Switch, the D120 shuts down as expected, but The D100 stays running on the battery and gives me a DSAB error. I suspect the error is interuppting the shutdown command and taking priority.

Is there a way to configure it to shut down without manual intervention on loss of 12V. I am afraid that one day I am going to forget the manual shut down and drain the B/U Batt. I would expect this to operate like the Garmin 396, which tells me there was a power loss and will shut down in xx seconds unless I press a button. In fact, I thought I have seen it do this when I don't get the DSAB error, but it has been a long time; probably during installation before networking them together.


I have the same exact setup and it sounds like mine does what yours used to. When I turn my master switch off the 120 shuts off immediately but the 100 begins a countdown timer. If I do nothing it turns off in 30 or 45 seconds. (Can't remember which). If I push a button it will stay on running on the backup battery.

I can't remember if mine throws a DSAB error during this transition. I'll try it today and see.
I have a D180 and AP74, When I shut off the master the D180 will throw a DSAB error because the AP74 is gone (and others like low voltage, I think). As noted in the last post, if Ido nothing it will count down and power itself off. If I hit the button to acknowledge the error, it will stay running untl I shut it off.
Thanks for sharing your experience guys. Today I will try ignoring the error and see if it shuts down on it's own. I have not noticed a counter going when I see the error, but guess I was always focused on the error message.

Turns out it does exactly what it should, I just never noticed it, as I was looking at the error.