Guy Prevost

Well Known Member
So my first thought with the group buy on the PCU 5000X going on is, "I need to get in on that." However, it's still likely to be more expensive than whatever (MT) Van's is selling for $1100 at the moment. I've found little information on the difference between the two, and none of it appears conclusive.

Can anyone summarize the difference for me? If the PCU 5000X is truly better, I would hate to miss out on the group buy. If it's just the "flavor of the month," I'll just get my gov from Van's with the FWF kit.

Even their own FAQ has precious few details on what distinguishes it from other governors. The company being based in the US is the only thing I can tell that sets it apart, even after asking a very reputable DAR friend of mine why he's going with the PCU. My feeling is, if they really want the business, chop the price BELOW that of the MT from Van's, and it will be a foregone conclusion to go with PCU. Or get Van's to put the PCU in the FWF kit if it's such a better governor!
I like the PCU a LOT, this is comparing it to OLDER governors like the Hartzell and McCauley's. I don't have ANY experience with the MT, but the PCU is a solid, great performing governor that is 1/3 smaller than my old favorite, the Woodward. It's size makes it much easier to install than the older ones too. The group buys will bring it within couple hundred (.2 aeronautical units) and given the problems with surging the MT has had... I'd go for it. But thats just me.
Here is a past post and i do not know if you have read this one already and maybe they have fixed there problems with some of there units. I looked for posts on any troubles with the PCU gov and didnt really find any, you might just want to call Aero Technologies and see what kind of info they can give you about there governor design, you might just get sales hype or maybe they will have some good info.

You can read more of this saga at

The third MT governor I installed simply wasn't doing the job. In prior posts I thought that I might live with the mild surging it still allowed. So much for that daft thought.

I installed a PCU5000X and the prop RPM is now rock solid, all flight regimes and temperatures. This is the same experience of several other buddies flying all manner of engines/airplanes at my home airport. The PCU5000 is the Jihostroj governor once sold by Van's, now certified (PCU5000) and marketed in this country by Aero Technologies.

Sorry, MT, good customer service doesn't make up for an unsuitable design. Count your blessings, those of you who are using an MT governor and don't get surging of your Hartzell. Maybe you just got lucky. Or it could be the original Jihostroj labeled MT. Current MTs are their own design governor and it looks a lot like the Jihostroj, but the internals are quite different. There's obviously sufficient variation from one unit to another to reveal its borderline performance.

John Siebold
Boise, ID
I too had surging problems with my MT. After 2 tries they finally shipped me a used one that works great now. I have a suspicion that it's the old style Jihoswhatever. Anyway, I'm going with 2 PCU5000's for the 2 8's under construction.
Incidentally the customer support from MT is exceptional.
dan said:
Or get Van's to put the PCU in the FWF kit if it's such a better governor!

When I spoke to Bart Lalonde (AeroSport) at AirVenture last year he said he thought the PCU was the best unit on the market. And he might know a thing or two. ;)

As for Van paying a bit more to include them in his firewall forward kit because they're better quality......Dan, you ARE joking aren't you. We ARE talking about the same Van aren't we...the one that supplies the static system with the pop rivet...the one with the fuel selector that looks like a tap from a 19th century communal bath house...the one who gets leaky fuel caps made by his brother-in-law. Don't hold your breath Dan. :p
This is exactly the discussion I was hoping for. However, I am suprised that I'm actually leaning towards the PCU 5000x righ now. I guess that's why I asked the question!
I feel so woefully uninformed on this discussion that I don't know where to begin. I want a good deal but the documentation / discussion around this thing is so limited. The EFIS debates in contrast are much more informative.

It would be nice if someone from Aero Tech could jump in here and explain the benefits.

The PCU unit is lighter by a good 4 lbs over the Hartzell - not sure about the Woodward. There was a recent article in Sport Aerobatics about a Pitts that swapped the Hartzell for the PCU and saw and easy 150 RPM at the top of a vertical, as in a hammerhead or a tail slide. Probably not applicable for the RV's, but nice to know. He also saw cooler oil temps through increased efficiency, or something like that. I'll look for the article tonight and get back to the group....
More oil pressure

When making my prop governor decision I spoke with American Propeller in Redding Ca. they serviced props for me on 3 previous planes. They were unequivocal in their recommendation of the PCU. They said that it develops significantly more oil pressure ( 30% more I believe) than the others and that after 2-3 years of these being in service they were seeing few if any issues.
One other thing to remember about the PCU is that this governor is also sold as a certified unit by Cessna, the governor is the same as the experimental just taged as certified.

Well, ummmm... I have learned a few things about these guvs.

There are essentially 3 of them out there we can use. The Hartzell, MT and the Jihostroj.

The PCU is the Jihostroj marketed in the US and supported locally by a.k.a. Aero Technologies.

I have spken with Jihostroj directly and they are a very impressive, straightforward, no BS kinda operation. The reputation precedes them and this forum confirms it!

Jump in on the group buy and we all can get them at the same price as the arguably problematic MT that Van sells!

It is truly the turkey dinner for the price of the chicken sandwich!

A win-win for all!

Send me an email when you place your order so I can track our discount!

:cool: CJ


See THIS POST for more info on pricing and what not.

Also, please keep the number of new threads to a minimum so I don't accidently miss one and let it go unanswered. If that does happen, PM me.

DOUG, can we get this featured on the front page again and include THIS POST included in the group buy forum?


;) CJ
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Ummm, I don't think we New Englanders are well viewed by the Texas crowd CJ. Remember, we're Yankees!

I can take a hint!

I am doing this for fellow RV builders.

It is just my way of giving back to the community.

;) CJ


Gentlemen, We are into the second category and pricing is now $1,175.00!

If you are interested, now is the time!

Delivery will occur just after Independence Day!

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