
Active Member
Hey guys,
I'm building a older RV8 quick build (1998) an noticed today that both my wings have the naca vent cut out in the bottom wing skins. The plans show rear seat vent comes from the right wing only and there is only a hole for tubing on the right fuse side. I have two housings and the quick builders even fitted and dimpled the left wing for it. It doesn't seem like there is supposed to be a hole like this in the left wing. Any ideas?
Hmmm, I don't know about the older kits. Mine has one under the right wing and one on the fwd left fuselage, about even with the rudder pedals.

Yep I have the one on the left fuse side too but one on each wing. I will probably have to make a dimpled plate nut cover plate for the left one.

I think you must have gotten mine! My QB didn't have any! Had to cut one in the right wing myself! :rolleyes:
Except that the propwash will tend to take your exhaust and direct it towards the left wing vent... Best to only have one on the right and avoid CO poisoning...
I will probably just block it off. There isn't a fuselage hole on that side anyway. Of course maybe my wife would be in a good mood back there with a little less oxygen :D
I'd be interested to see if any others see a temperature difference between the wing NACA duct and the fuselage NACA ducts. Both my RV-4 and my Rocket had markedly higher temps from the fuselage side NACA ducts. About 10deg F.

You might want to use the wing ducts and avoid the fuselage ducts!

If anyone has HARD DATA, please post it. Opinions don't help. Measure the actual temps coming into the cabin from the different ducts and report back please.

2 NCAA vents

My qb only had one on right wing. Seems to me you got two right lower wing skins in kit. If you take the left panel and flip it 180 you will or should have a right skin.
You probably already did this, but compare the inspection panel cutout flanges on the left bottom skin to the right skin. The inspection plates should fit flush with the skins. Hopefully you just have an extra NCAA cutout and not a skin riveted inside out.
