Why are you building an RV-12?

  • I like the option of removable wings so I can trailer it home.

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • I need to / want to fly E-LSA.

    Votes: 17 38.6%
  • I am building it for resale only, profit is my motive.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • I am a Rotax 912 nut.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • I like the way the kit goes together.

    Votes: 18 40.9%

  • Total voters


Well Known Member
I'm just curious why you choose the -12 as a build. Is it the ELSA? Removable Wings? You love the Rotax 912S? You love the kit and the way it goes togeather.

Leave a comment on when you choose or are thing about the -12.

Just looking to start a thread and do a poll on the subject.
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None of the above...

I'm not building an RV-12 for any of the reasons you list. I don't mind the fact that it is an ELSA, but that was not my motive. I'd actually prefer something non-ELSAish.

What I like about the airplane is the way that kit is produced. I like that the parts are made with the holes punched to final size. I like the quality and fit of the parts right out of the box. I like the fact that you don't have to put it together, modify it, take it apart, do some more, put it back together, take it apart, then assemble it permanently. I like the minimal use of fiberglass. I hope this is a glimpse of the Van's kit of the future.

I have put my Rv-7 project on hold in order to build the 12. I like the fact that I can see progress on almost every shop day.
I too am not building for any of the reasons you listed. I wish it was not LSA and not speed limited. One of the major reasons I chose the -12 over the -7 is the new style plans. I think they are a huge improvement. If the -7 used the same detailed plans I probably would have gone that route. The removable wings and lower fuel consumption are also factors. The Rotax being autogas friendly also helps(although it is not currently available around here without ethanol from what I can gather).

The fact that it has to be made per plans is in a way beneficial in that it keeps one from wanting to do fancy panels or other upgrades (fuel injection with CS prop, for example).
I'm not building an RV-12 for any of the reasons you list...

What I like about the airplane is the way that kit is produced... I like the fact that you don't have to put it together, modify it, take it apart, do some more, put it back together, take it apart, then assemble it permanently.

Hi Steve, that might be a bit wordy to list as an option, but I think Larry captured the jist of it pretty nicely in option 5 "I like the way the kit goes together." :D
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Why the RV-12

It's a Van's RV with a proven pedigree. It'll make a great first aircraft for my wife and I to build as the kit seems to be pretty much state of the art!!! And, I can take it home and avoid the high costs of hangers here in SoCal. Did I mention that it flies beautifully? What a combination of art and engineering this aircraft is. Love it. Thanks, Van's Aircraft.:D:D:D
Hi Steve, that might be a bit wordy to list as an option, but I think Larry captured the jist of it pretty nicely in option 5 "I like the way the kit goes together." :D

I had a moderator add that after Steve posted his idea for a poll question.
Thanks Steve & Roise!
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All of the above.....

Ditto all the comments above. I tried to check multiple boxes until I quickly determined you only want the top answer! Here are a few of my reasons:

I'm 71. How many more years can I pass a physical?
Always wanted to build but intimidated. This looks do-able.
Love the idea of a baby glass panel.
Need a project to keep me occupied when I'm not flying/teaching.
Wing removal opens up more storage options.
I have a suitable shop 100 feet from my back door.
It's a Vans, and I think the company will be around for a while.

Need I say more?:)
i like the elsa and the removable wings, hangar space in Chicago is expensive, also the low fuel consumption. LSA will be nice, I am 37 and don't forsee any problems in that department but nice to know. I dont even have a liscense to fly yet. My good friend has been building a 7 and he talked me into the 12, i am glad i listened
Reputation for Excellence

Van's track record for quality, customer service, integrity and good faith follow-through made me pick this company. My desire to build an LSA that goes together without exotic tools or skills coupled with the idea of affordable flying/storage made me pick the RV-12. Plus, I've always wanted to build and fly my own airplane. Now i'm doing it!

Scott Lane
Hillsboro, OR
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I finally found a kit that I will finish

I have been collecting plans for airplanes that I would like to build since I was 16. Back then everything was scratch built. I never started one because I knew I wouldn't finish it. I still drool over the Mini Imp, but that is 3-4K hours. The 12 is a great compromise from the almost totally built ultralights and a conventional kit. I am building an airplane, not assembling a prebuilt and covered wing to an equally complete fuselage and tail.
Cost is another major factor. 10 years ago I could use auto fuel at $ 1.50/gal in my Cherokee. When I sold it 3 weeks ago 100LL on the field was $5.50/gal. At 8 gal/hr it was taking a lot of the fun out of flying. The 12 will burn auto fuel, it burns less of it, and it is just plain fun to fly. I don't do a lot of long cross country flight anymore so I don't care that it won't go 150 mph. (not that my Cherokee ever did either LOL)
Cheaper and doable


Necessity is the mother of invention! I could no longer afford $20K (at today's exchange rates) to fly a "certified" two seat O320-equipped aircraft in the UK.

After 35 years of looking, this is the first plane I think I can build. And I expect to be able to afford to fly it in retirement.

None of the above


I'm building because I really want a RV, it's affordable, it's economical, it's fun and it fits my mission. This is the most fun I have had working on a RV.
Reasons for RV-12

I was building a -9 and just finished the empannage kit. The next purchase from Vans for the -9 was a little expensive, and w/this economy I was in a pickle as to what to do. The RV-12 kits are less expensive and the aircraft should be faster to build. I set aside the -9 and went w/the -12. When the -12 is complete, I'll decide whether to sell it or my TriPacer, and maybe finish the -9. It all depends on how much we like the -12. My wife is a new pilot and the -12 seems to be the perfect a/c for her. All our flying is daytime, good weather, and so far we stay fairly local.
Does this make sense????
