
Well Known Member
I picked up one of TimOs Navworx box. I understand all the gotchas - no wifi, no Display2, AMOC etc. But for now and for my equipage (see sig block), the price is right.

Just wondering for those still out there running this box legally with an external GPS.....whats your final system architecture (ie whats feeding what) and what "capabilities" or lack there of are you living with or have gotten around and how.

I'm wiring up now so appreciate any info or lessons learned.

I picked up one of TimOs Navworx box. I understand all the gotchas - no wifi, no Display2, AMOC etc. But for now and for my equipage (see sig block), the price is right.

Just wondering for those still out there running this box legally with an external GPS.....whats your final system architecture (ie whats feeding what) and what "capabilities" or lack there of are you living with or have gotten around and how.

I'm wiring up now so appreciate any info or lessons learned.


Read the AMOCs. Those are the only solutions that are approved to be used.

The only issues are those you listed.
Read the AMOCs. Those are the only solutions that are approved to be used.

The only issues are those you listed.

Yeah thanks Bob, thats not what I'm asking.

As I stated, what I'm asking for whats their specific connection architecture and how theyre experience is going........
Mine has never missed a beat. I have had mine for four years. Not sure what you mean by ?connection architecture?.
Mine has never missed a beat. I have had mine for four years. Not sure what you mean by ?connection architecture?.

What boxes ie GPS and transponder etc do you have inputting to your Navworx box and to what are you outputting its data ie display, splitters, wifi module etc..........
Yeah thanks Bob, thats not what I'm asking.

As I stated, what I'm asking for whats their specific connection architecture and how theyre experience is going........

Like I said, most of that information are in the various AMOCs. I was the author of two of them. They all state to wire them per the instructions in the Navworx installation manual. Bill did a pretty good job on the manual. They are full of all kinds of diagrams and schematics for each of the certified gps units.

Now, if you don?t have the manual, that?s a different question.

There were over a thousand units installed. They are work just fine with the exception of a couple known bugs.
I have an Avidyne 540 as external gps and a garmin 327 for TXP. No other connection such as WiFi. As Bob said, pick a connection diagram in the manual that fits your installation and u should be fine.

You need the software to turn off the internal gps. I am traveling but can most likely send u a copy in couple of months. Others may have the software also if u need it earlier.
Like I said, most of that information are in the various AMOCs. I was the author of two of them. They all state to wire them per the instructions in the Navworx installation manual. Bill did a pretty good job on the manual. They are full of all kinds of diagrams and schematics for each of the certified gps units.

Now, if you don’t have the manual, that’s a different question.

There were over a thousand units installed. They are work just fine with the exception of a couple known bugs.

Thanks guys, I have the latest manual and I have the Control program, and Ive read the Navworx AMOCs thread

All I'm after is for the 480 what install gotchas are the below comment by Recapen on the 430 (from the above thread).

MauleDriver - If you have questions about the 430W install, ask...there are some idiosyncrasies with that and out!

Also Bob (and thanks for all your work in this area! :) ) the AMOCs reference install diagrams, but dont include those in the approvals. They they do not specifically say those are Navworx diagrams, but reference them as the requester's diagrams, in my case for the 480, Phil Yoder's diagrams.

So how exactly do I (or anyone else) know what they are or where to get them in order to comply with the install?
I have a 430W feeding Lat/Long, SL-70 feeding Altitude and Squawk, and using the 430W and MX-20 as displays for output.

The 430W is ARINC and the MX-20 is RS-422 (from my memory) so I got around the display 2 issue that way.

The real thing I wish we had was anonymous mode.

I am looking to acquire any unused -0013 units so I can keep going in the event of a NavWorx hardware failure.

Let me know if you need the latest manual and SW. The 5.0 was not released to anyone that I know of....
Thanks guys, I have the latest manual and I have the Control program, and Ive read the Navworx AMOCs thread

All I'm after is for the 480 what install gotchas are the below comment by Recapen on the 430 (from the above thread).

Also Bob (and thanks for all your work in this area! :) ) the AMOCs reference install diagrams, but dont include those in the approvals. They they do not specifically say those are Navworx diagrams, but reference them as the requester's diagrams, in my case for the 480, Phil Yoder's diagrams.

So how exactly do I (or anyone else) know what they are or where to get them in order to comply with the install?

I wrote most of the AMOC that Phil used for the 480 approval. There is absolutely no magic here. Follow the instructions in the Navworx manual ADS600-B Installation Manual 240-0008-00-39. Bill has documented the install process quite well for the 480. The diagrams in the AMOC submissions were cut and pasted directly out of this manual.
I wrote most of the AMOC that Phil used for the 480 approval. There is absolutely no magic here. Follow the instructions in the Navworx manual ADS600-B Installation Manual 240-0008-00-39. Bill has documented the install process quite well for the 480. The diagrams in the AMOC submissions were cut and pasted directly out of this manual.

Ok thanks. Uh who's "Bill" exactly.....?

Oh wait - do you mean Bill Moffet? Ok that would make sense in this context.....I'm clearly late to the navworx universe......
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My Navworx is wired to a 430W for position and SL-70 transponder. The 430W is also wired for the IN but all it Navworx can supply is traffic, i.e. no FIS-B/WX, since Garmin doesn't play nice with others. Traffic is also all Navworx could provide to my 796 so I've kept my GDL-39 to feed the 796 instead of using Navworx. The combo seems to recognize own ship well and I don't get any ghost targets.
I have an ADS-600B, one of the earliest ones and it had to go back to the factory a few times for updates and once for repair, costing me some extra $$.

I complied with the AD by updating the SW on my Garmin 400W (the GPS-only version of the 430W) and getting the GPS input from that per the AMOC. Transponder is a Garmin GTX-327. Targets show up nicely on my Advanced Flight Systems AF-5600.

Functionally it works pretty well. I have gotten ghosts from time to time but usually only briefly.

Leaving aside all the turmoil with Navworx, if I had it to do over I would do a number of things differently. For one, I'd get a something with a dual receiver (960 and 1090ES). A lot of planes (not just airliners) broadcast 1090ES out and receiving those guys directly is far better than depending on ADS-R. Meaning that those targets go away when I'm outside or below radar or ADS-R coverage. I also wish I'd waited a little longer for the technology to mature, for one thing because I'd have had more units to choose from including the (much simpler to install) all-in-one units. Oh and I would have been eligible for a rebate if I hadn't been an early adopter -- arg!

That said, there are surprisingly many targets out there that I would never have been aware of otherwise, so having that added awareness over this time has certainly enhanced my safety.
I got my NavworxB box working (Yea!), but without configurations and settings being documented anywhere I could find (ie not in the Navworx, 480, 327 manuals etc) it was not trivial.

Wiring diagrams are fine if you fully understand which ones apply, which ones dont and more importantly which ones wont ever work because of Navworx unsolved glitches. Still, between some undeserved good luck, dogged perseverance and generous help and patience from TimO, I've got targets flowing on the 232 lines and 3 green on the UAT console, so I'll call that a happy win.

Have yet to start the AMOCC/FSDO dance, and I dont fully understand whats required for success there, so if anyone had done this with the Baltimore FSDO, I'd sure appreciate any words of wisdom, or even, if possible, a copy of your award winning package.....

In the mean time, onward......!


I didn't do mine with Baltimore - as I am based in DE...worked with PHL.

The requirement states notification - the use is already approved. The goal is to determine what constitutes sufficient notification. I started with a phone call and leaving them a message. They called back shortly thereafter and basically determined that they wanted me to show compliance with the AMOC requirements - to include a photo of the required placard disallowing internal GPS use. I sent that all in an e-mail to them. Got an e-mail response within a few days and a snail letter after that!