
Well Known Member
I know Doug is doing a big spread each day from Oshkosh, but I'm interested in anybody else who has a blog or a site or intends to upload photos on a daily basis.

Please post URL here, so I can follow along. I really don't get down to the forums or flightline much anymore (Oshkosh is pretty much a social occasion for me now) and I don't want to miss a thing.

Maybe . . .

If I get the time to scrounge up some internet access, I may upload some pics during the week.

I've setup my gallery for this year here:

and, for anyone who wasn't around last year, you can get to 2003-2005's galleries here (my apologies to anyone who looks but can't make it this year ;)):

Funny, looking back at the past years picts, its really obvious that I wasn't yet an RV guy in 2003!