
Well Known Member
I know there's a lot of veteran attendees, but who's going for the first time? I am for one and can't wait! I'm on terminal leave from the Air Force and before I find a job and go back to work my family has granted my wish for us to attend as sort of a retirement present. So we'll be camping with EAA Chapter 186 in Camp Scholler. Hope to see you all there!
I'll be there for the first time as well. Psyched ain't the word for it. We'll be there Mon.-Wed. I don't think I could keep them (the wife and 2 kids) interested for the whole week anyway. Hope to run into some familiar planes and some of you folks on here.

Thursday we head out to Colorado to visit relatives for the rest of the week

It's my first time, too. I'll be working for the whole show, but you can bet I'm going to have the time of my life anyway. Come and say HI to me at the booth. We'll have 2 LSAs on display.
It will be my first trip. I've been to Sun-n-fun for many many years and missed this year so decided OSH would be a nice break from the Georgia heat.

I will be flying Delta and camping at a B&B in Green Bay since my wife is joining me.

I look forward to seeing you guys there.
Some newbie tips to OSH

1. Get a schedule of the forums and plan on attending 1-2 a day. They are well worth the time invested. Drink water.
2. If you see something you think you may need buy it, or at the very least write down which hanger or booth they are in. Take notes! Drink water. Several days later you'll spend hours looking for the booth that had that gizmo you wanted, and they might be sold out.
3. Print out a map from EAA and study it now. It will save you hours of walking. Drink water.
4. Bring aspirin and drink lots of water. Take 1 aspirin every 3-4 hours. Aspirin helps thin your blood and cools you off by increasing circulation. Drink lots of water, stay ahead of the game. If you are thirsty you are dehydrated. Drink lots of water. You should be urinating every 2-3 hours, if you are not, drink more water. Dehydration is the number #1 problem newbies have at OSH besides running out of money for avionics. Nothing wrong with being a newbie, just drink lots of water.
4. Wear sunblock! SPF 50 or better. Wear a hat! Preferably not a ball cap, one of those cool looking straw ones with a brim all the way around.
5. Plan your day to take in all of the stuff at one end of the show or another. It is huge, save your energy.
6. Make a list now of things you need. Use the vendor list on the EAA website to find out where they are to minimize your wandering time. Drink water (even though you are still home).
7. Start tonight going for a long walk to get your feet in shape. OSH is a marathon.
8. Drink lots of water!
9. Have fun, take it all in. At the end of the 1st day I always sneak over to the beer garden and have a cold one and a cigar. You have made it to the big show. Celibrate the accomplishment! Celibrate the dedication to your passion of aviation. Give a war hoop, or what ever you do to let the world know you have made it to the big show.
10. The asprin helps with the headaces of the beer & cigars also.;)
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First Time

Hi All, this is my first time and I will be flying from Vancouver BC, now for all those veterans to Osh, not to worry, my co pilot is a many timer as a matter of fact is a repeat speaker at Osh, so he will be watching my 6. Looking forward to meeting many new friends.
Mark Mercier
Vancouver, BC
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9 times out of 10 it's not the 1st timers that cause a problem flying into OSH. It's the guys who have been there 10 times & think they don't need to read the NOTAM or they are too worried about the way the other guy is flying. Use common sense, don't do any manuvers you haven't done 10 times before, read the NOTAM, don't use the radio unless you have to, when they say; "rock the wings" this is the time to really scare the heck out of your co-pilot!..... and you'll do just fine.
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Parking and Camping

I'm going to camp but need to park on something solid. Small tires and tight wheel pants makes soft grass impossible. Am I going to have any luck parking and camping?
First time for me!

Well the 6 is Slooooowly getting there.. time to fill the panel and hang the big noise maker on the front end. time to stop looking and start buying. Looking forward to being surrounded by people as crazy as I am! Planes, Sun, Planes, Food, Planes, New friends, oh yea as I read here.. Water.
Me an. "Lil Snorkey" will be there

My -8 will be parked on the homebuilt line, and I'll be camping wherever the volunteers put me.

Done SnF for 9 years, never OSH.

Art Treff
N666AT RV-8 Fastback
"Lil Snorkey"
I'm going to camp but need to park on something solid. Small tires and tight wheel pants makes soft grass impossible. Am I going to have any luck parking and camping?

No problem. The grounds are drying out nicely, but it has rained the last couple of days. You could bring some 8" wooden disc to roll the plane on. Should be pretty much dry all week according to the long range forecast.
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Just take it easy when taxiing in the RV area. The farther you get from the taxi-way the rougher the grass gets. You may luck out and be close to the taxi-way. You do have an RV, right?
In 4 years, I haven't seen soft ground in the RV area, just a little rough in spots.
First time flying in, driven several times long time ago though.

Nervous/excited to fly in! :eek::eek: Not worried, will be prepared very thoroughly, but still fun kind of nervous.

Hi All, this is my first time and I will be flying from Vancouver BC, now for all ...............


This is my first OSH pilgrim. I live in Victoria....with my speed bird RV9

What will your routing be ? We, RV7 and RV9 will depart YYJ for OSH on sunday morning. Our first stop will be GTF to clear Customs.....then Y19 and permitting. hopefully we will be able to conquer the 1452NM in 1 day.

Will there be more Lower Main-landers going for OSH?
Nervous/excited to fly in! :eek::eek: Not worried, will be prepared very thoroughly, but still fun kind of nervous.

Nervous is just another word for "Being Aware", this is a good thing. Read and understand the NOTAM. Post any questions. I'm no expert, but I'd be glad to help.

Practice slow flight for 15 mins @ 100MPH a few days before.

You'll be listening to the radio 30 miles out, but don't worry if it is confusing. It is hard to make sense of what is going on by listening to the radio without being right over Fisk. Get the ATIS. Take a deep breath relaxing breath. (Not now, when you are flying!)

At 1,800' MLS, head on a swivel looking for traffic, transponder off & one landing light on, do a clearing "S" turn before entering Ripon. Be at and maintain 1'800' MSL, stay over the RR tracks to Fisk, maintain 103 MPH / 90 knts airspeed. At Fisk, listen for controllers to identify your plane, rock your wings "with gusto" when asked. If busy there may be several planes ahead of you over Fisk that you cannot see, make sure they are talking to you. They will tell you what runway to use, and what freq to turn to. Follow the plane in front of you or proceed using the NOTAM procedures for that runway.

If you get too close to the guy in front of you (1/4 - 1/2 mile separation) simply turn out and go around. Start over back at Ripon. Do not pass a slower plane. Single file only. More than likely, if you need to start over the controllers will see you turn out and sequence you back in if possible, but plan on a return trip to Ripon and start over. Use a "Return to Ripon Route" that will not take you through traffic! Listen to the radio, don't talk unless ask to do so, if you have an emergency, or if you need to go a go around when landing. Keep it short if you do, just "Low wing on final going around". Comply with instructions if you can. You are the PIC. Watch your airspeed.

If you are asked to go into a hold pattern know what that is and don't cut the corners. Make your pattern around the lakes large, set a good example for people to follow. The controllers know you are there, be patient. If it is really busy and you are uncomfortable break out of the pattern and come back in a 1/2 hour. Seems to me there are "surges" of planes, wait a few mins and it clears out.

Good common sense, and remember to fly the plane. Watch your airspeed. Good airmenship. Be courteous. You are the PIC. Everyone else is "nervous" also, including me.

There will be planes under you 500' and above you 500' so maintain alt of 1,800' until your landing approach.

Hopefully, you can follow someone in, but if not, just study the runways procedures for each runway (now). They use them all depending on the wind direction. For what ever reason they sometimes do down wind landings, watch your airspeed! There may be more than one plane on the runway, if you don't like what you see go around. Fly within your capabilities. Be safe, not sorry.

Don't worry about your landing, 50,000 people will let you know if it is a bad one. ;) Have your parking sign ready. Keep your head on a swivel until you shut the engine off. Keep off the brakes, you'll be taxing a long way. One official "war-hoop" is allowed during taxi only if you keep your eyes open. Watch for people to guild you to parking, watch for ground traffic! You are PIC.

Congrats, you have just flown into the busiest airport in the world to attend the greatest event in aviation. It just don't get any better.

Welcome to Oshkosh.
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Here is a great link to EAA's tips on arriving at OSH. It is NOT a substitute for the NOTAM, it is tips & advice. It is written by controllers. Great pictures of the RR tracks, Ripon, Fisk, ect. Look at every link!
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Some newbie tips to OSH

2. If you see something you think you may need buy it, or at the very least write down which hanger or booth they are in. Take notes! Drink water. Several days later you'll spend hours looking for the booth that had that gizmo you wanted, and they might be sold out.

I agree with this one most of all! Thanks for the reminder.

In addition, arriving from the west, it has been my experience that you'll hear but not SEE much traffic (if at all) up until the RIPON waypoint, then all **** breaks loose. All of a sudden other traffic comes into view and are converging in the same general area. Prior to RIPON, I plan to slow to at least 80mph (most other traffic will be slower than the RV's anyway). Think safety first and keep your eyes outside.
Thanks Geico, my passenger and I will be briefing the full notam Monday night and deciding which days we want to attend after reviewing the schedules (we both are free through Friday and plan on 2-3days depending on weather and wives). I've read the notam but will study it fully prior to departure so it's all nailed down. He will be given some CRM duties that'll make it fun for him to participate and safer for both of us. He can assist in traffic scan, maintain the notes for frequencies and procedures that we'll write out Monday night, and be a second set of eyes on the ASI.

We will also be practicing slow flight and TnG's in our arrival weight and loaded state. The -4 is a different animal for sure like that and we will be ready.
We will also be practicing slow flight and TnG's in our arrival weight and loaded state. The -4 is a different animal for sure like that and we will be ready.

You are welcome!

More than likely the whole thing will be a total non event. But, you want to be prepared. Enjoy the show!