
Well Known Member
So I need to replace my throttle cables. Today I found at least half the strands broken on the right side, right near the throttle. Probably nicked during installation, don't know, but anyway - it's not airworthy. Crappy thing to find just as you're finishing the annual!

Fortunately we can slide the old cables out through the sheaths, and it's trivially easy to slide new ones in. No need to rip the whole assembly out. I had thought about installing the vernier throttle cable, but with Oshkosh a week away I'm not inclined to rip out and replace the whole assembly. I'd like to do it, but I'm certainly not set on it. Has anyone installed the vernier throttle cable, and if so do you know if the adjusting assembly (the "guts") would fit into the housing that the standard friction lock cable uses? I'm going to call McFarlane in the morning, but thought I'd ask here just in case anyone's been down this road already.
vernier throttle

I've flown RV's with and without and prefer without Vernier throttles. Some formation teams do not allow them. They do make fine tuning power settings a bit quicker but can increase the time it takes to add a burst of power to save a botched landing.
If you do go with the vernier be careful when unscrewing the mechanism too far or you will end up with tiny ball bearings all over the floor.

Chuck Ross rv4
There is a big difference between a standard push button vernier throttle and the friction/vernier for the RV12 manufactured by Mcfarlane. The Mcfarlane throttle changes just like any friction unit(No button) but allows fine tuning like a standard vernier. Best of both worlds and very convenient for the Rotax.
Pretty sure the guts of the new throttle will not fit in the old throttle. I changed mine over a few years ago. The new throttle is much better, you'll like it.;)
Just about to get there on our 2016 kit.

Does this do away with the startling spring loaded wide open throttle that I have experienced before on Rotax engines ?

Flew a Cessna 205 with a vernier throttle years ago - a bit odd, but if you remind yourself to go round with a palm on the back face of the throttle, you don't have a problem ;)
Mike, it won't change the throttle spring setup. Throttle springs pull the throttle to full open, the throttle cable pulls it toward idle. If the cable breaks you're at full throttle.

I have used the other type in a 182, which has a vernier prop control. This one isn't like what you have seen in Cessnas - there's no button in the middle to release the knob so it can be pushed in. You just push or pull, same as with the existing cable, but you can also twist for finer control. It's a pretty ingenious setup, really. If it had the button you have to push to make larger movements, I don't think I would consider it.

I talked to McFarlane this morning; the innards of the vernier cable assembly won't fit into the non-vernier housing. After looking at the plans page and seeing there's only two adel clamps to deal with, I'm leaning toward just getting the fancy-schmancy cable and replacing the whole thing.
Replace with the new assembly- relatively easy install and you will love the difference. Totally eliminates the throttle creep from the springs. Only downside is you must resync the carbs but you have to do that anyway.
Replace with the new assembly- relatively easy install and you will love the difference. Totally eliminates the throttle creep from the springs. Only downside is you must resync the carbs but you have to do that anyway.

Yeah. I have never had problems with throttle creep, but I flew one that does... that's really annoying.
Agree 100% with Jetguy. The springs will be replaced with the new throttle assembly with weaker springs.