
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Only a week and a day away....who's planning on going, and when?

I went on Friday last year, not sure I can get away this year until Saturday - and not sure I want to camp in Hondo in June - might just be another "out and back" again this year!

Ann & I will be there. I'll be doing 2 forums Friday and again on Saturday.
Friday it is!


My wife and I are planning on flying out and back on Friday. I had originally planned on getting a hotel room until I saw how limited they were in Hondo... only one listed with 48 rooms. I certainly don't want to camp in Hondo in June.

Anyway, maybe I'll see you there.

i'm driving down from austin on saturday. i could fly, but it would take me longer to drive to the airport and then fly to hdo than to just drive straight (or at least as long).

johnp said:
i'm driving down from austin on saturday. i could fly, but it would take me longer to drive to the airport and then fly to hdo than to just drive straight (or at least as long).

But by driving, you don't get to fly. I don't understand your logic.
Tanya an I are driving to SA Friday eve. (family), then to Hondo and back on Saturday.
driving saturday

I'll be going out and back from houston;sugar land saturday. Anyone want to get up early and need a ride? dennis
looking foreward to seeing faces!

forgot to say will be nice to place faces on the names i read all tjhe time :eek:
I will be there

I will be there Thursday afternoon in the purple RV6 and leaving on Sunday.
I will be in the ECi tent so stop by and say hello. Robbie
Mel said:
But by driving, you don't get to fly. I don't understand your logic.

1. my rv isn't done yet, so i'd be flying a spam-can (pa28r-201t).
2. i'm bringin' my 89 year old dad, who, although he can climb up on the wing and get in if required, is more comfortable in the car.
Flying Down Saturday

Should be a good group of us from Hicks on Saturday morning, weather permitting. I expect to fly down along with Rich Rudolph (6A), Mike Spivey(6), Pat Stewart(8A), and Andy Duff(4). Jay Pratt will probably go down to Hondo much earlier than us.

Hope to see you there! :D
I'm in Boise for a funeral this week and have to be in Cali for work on Sunday... so my plans of trying to bum a ride out are gone!

We will be arriving in N237B on Saturday Morning from Corpus Christi. Hope to meet up with everyone there. Bill & Mattie Marcum/ RV-6A /N237B
Rooster is "IN"

Weather permitting will rendezvous with Falcon Flight around 10:00 and then some fly bys.