
Well Known Member
I'm looking at putting new seats in my -4. I know of Becky, DJ, flightline, and oregon aero. Anyone new doing this? I had Becki's seats in my -6, liked them, but wanted to explore other options for comfort, appearance, etc.

I'm thinking of getting Oregon Aero cores, and having someone upholster them. Thoughts?
Abby @ Flightline does a great job of covering Oregon Aero cores for less than half what OA wants for the same job. And OA seats are the best thing you've ever sat on.
Thanks...yeah, that's what I'm thinking of doing. The hardest part is determing what colors/designs to do!

Hey Paul,

I went to Tempe Sales and picked my materials then sent them to Abby. She did a great job. I have the Standard Van's seats with one layer of Comfort Foam in the middle. I've been in the plane for 3 hours without any problems. I don't see an issue with an all day flight with a couple of stops. The $1400 seats are 'purdy' :D but don't see the price difference in utility.

She is completing my interior now.
Unfortunately they don't show an RV-4 as one of their options...plus with the backlog people are talking about, don't know if I can wait that long! I might do the Oregon aero seats and then have an interior shop here do it.