
Well Known Member
Man, I wish I hadn't signed up for $19.95 T Mobile HotSpot last night but what are the odds of EAA providing, not only wiFi in a campground....but WiFi that's FREEEEEEEE!

Whoooooo hooooooooooooo!

Oh, by the way, the BBQ beachhead has been established.

Glenn Brasch, his son, Michael, Jeff Point, Roger Evingson (sp?) were by a little bit ago. Roger looks great, despite the very sad destruction of his new RV in an off-field landing a few weeks ago.

Rich Emery, from the St. Louis area and his wife Mary Jo zipped by too. Rich is chair of the volunteers along the flight line. his EAA chapter -- 32 -- has given us 6 tables to use for the chow line at the BBQ.

I'm very sorry to report that Darwin Barrie's mother had a heart attack yesterday. I know all of our prayers and best wishes are going out to Darwin, his mom, and family.

It was a gorgeous day today, tonight temps will be around 55 and that will hold through Sunday morning. After that, I understand, it'll be hotter than blazes.

Drop me a note if you're pulling into Oshkosh and let me know where you're at and we'll get together.
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Hot dog, Bob! Thanks for the update.

Man, that's good to know we have another avenue for getting news out.

Looking fwd to the BBQ!

We leave 0830 Saturday morning...should put us there around 3pm barring hiccups. I'll come looking after I get the tent squared away!

Bob, Thanks for the news. I was debating on bringing my laptop or not. You helped me decide! I had heard last year that they were planning on trying to have some wireless available this year but hadn't heard anything else. Hope it holds up okay. See you in a few days.

Arrived today at Circle R Campground and there is free WiFi here, glad I brought lap top. Looks like there is already a line of RVs in the RV Area. Is the BBQ going to be in this area? Will you need any help setting-up?
RV 9, N92GC
Cub, NC88583
The BBQ is in Camp Scholler (near the highway). Click that BBQ link above for specifics.

Re: volunteers and setup. Wednesday during the day is looking pretty dicey, right now. I'll need someone to babysit the site, perhaps, someone to sign for the tent installation etc, while I go up to Appleton to pick up the perishables at Sam's. I'll do the non-perishable shopping Tuesday evening.

We hope to start cooking around 5 with people showing up give/take 6. I've ordered 40+ volunteer t-shirts and I'm pretty sure i don't have 40+ volunteers. This thing usually is controlled (sometimes out of control) chaos so if you see something that needs doing.... grab a t-shirt and do.

I think I can probably use, maybe, 1 more table for the beer/soda 'tent'.

and we always can use some ice so if anyone wants to stop and buy a bag (the West End store is a short walk), feel free.

I should say that it's mighty lonely -- at least tonight -- out here in the field. Folks are welcome to stop by during the day or evening if you'd like to sit a spell and watch realllllllyyyyyy big land yachts set up their satellite dishes, extending living rooms, power up the genrators, and airconditioners etc.

Keep the info coming BOB for us poor saps that couldn't make it and have to keep on building!

Nature Coaster

n92gc said:
Arrived today at Circle R Campground and there is free WiFi here, glad I brought lap top. Looks like there is already a line of RVs in the RV Area. Is the BBQ going to be in this area? Will you need any help setting-up?
RV 9, N92GC
Cub, NC88583

Hey GC, is great to see you are enjoying the Big OSH! If I was not working, I would have enjoyed making the journey with you. Have a Great week.

The gang from SAO send their regards, the Perrys, Rotzs, Chanceys at Circle R Campground. I have never seen so Many fantastic looking RVs of course yours would rank among the best. There must be several hundred or more here and the show doesn't start until tomorrow.
Keep that tanker afloat.
RV 9, N92GC
Cub, NC88583