Special Delivery

Well Known Member
Don Rivera, owner of Airflow Performance Inc., answered his company phone last Saturday and quickly identified a fuel delivery problem we were having. The problem... a stuck plunger in the flow divider that allowed the engine to run fine up to 1700 but spit and sputter when given full throttle.

So, if you're considering a new fuel injection system or just need repairs, you should also consider who ya gonna call on a weekend if you need assistance. Just saying... In my books, Don is the man!
His products and customer service is the best in the business, and he is an all around great aviator also!
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I have called him a couple of times (no problem with the system) and received ample information and great service.

Many thanks

There's none better in the business than Don, his wife and crew at Airflow Performance.

Another satisfied customer.
Me too!

I won't talk about all the help Don has given me, only because it has been so above and beyond the call of a vendor's duty that I'm afraid everyone else will bug him for the same favors. :) But you can count me as a die-hard Airflow Performance fan.

-- Dwight
The best service and support!

Yes, this is right. We had never had a problem. But to get the most mileage out of the fuel, he gave us always a hint.

He offers this fine tuning for his injection system. It pays for itself and you will have a very smooth and economic running engine

Now we are running on 6 GAl/hour with a TAS of 150 kts in 6000ft on car gas.

Thanks Don for your support.
