
Well Known Member
A very nice looking RV (yellow trim) blasted out of here (UC Davis, CA) yesterday. Anyone want to admit to this nice plane? We have some great fuel prices still in effect and the traffic in our little field has been pretty steady. We are still at $4.04, but it will probably change soon. :eek:
What are you folks seeing out there?
Wasn't me!

My '8' is yellow and white, but it wasn't me. The winner of the fuel contest around here is Santa Paula (KSZP) at $4.13. Signature at KSBA (my home base) is $6.73. For me, the $100 hamburger is a thing of the past. I can fly to Santa Paula, buy 30 gallons of 100LL, have a nice lunch for 2 at Logsden's, fly home, and still be $50 ahead. ;)

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
2.25 EUR/l * 3.8 l/gal * 1.5 $/EUR = 12.83 $/gal

The curren exchange rate helps with the costs for the kit though, so wings and empennage are ordered.

Aachen, Germany
We are fortunate! $3.80 a gallon here at Pecan Plantation in Granbury, TX at our airparks member's fuel co-op. Can't imagine paying $12 a gallon like Luigi reports - is anybody still flying ? Higher prices are inevitable here in the US as the dollar keeps sinking:(:(:(

Martin Sutter
building and flying since 1988