
Well Known Member
No pressure or penalty for guessing.

My guess: I hope to be an April 2009 VAF Builder Alumnus. Shooting for pre-Sun-n-Fun! (not that I could fly it to snf if I'm under phase1, but it's a goal.)

Bob's post about "signs" had be wondering more than usual about the end date for me. It's not tomorrow, but I think I've written most of the big checks I need to write for my project, and the shelves are not so packed as they once were.

Seems that there are quite a few folks building -7/7A's on the list these days somewhere between canopy and engine work, or maybe I just tend to notice those around me more, dunno.

Personally, I feel like I'm sprinting the last 10 miles of a marathon. My wife has learned to accept me being in the shop as this permanent *wart* on our marriage. I don't think we can comprehend anymore what life might be like without the project. One or maybe both of my girls don't even remember life without the project. Despite the fact that the plane is robbing some time I might otherwise dedicate to them, they still are supportive and think it's really cool that I'm building a plane.

I saw the picture that Brad posted of a group of -7 builders having a beer at OSH. Man, I was envious. I was at Osh that very night, but my hotel was up at Appleton so I didn't really hang around Osh after show hours. Next year, I'd like to buy a round of beers for that group and a few more, hopefully having flown my bird to Osh.

Bob - I had a friend do the opposite for me. He took a look at my project and said he'd be done in 2-3 months. Key part is "he". He built his rv8 in 18 months. So I applied a 3-4X multiplier to that number for the "he->me" productivity ratio, and yeah, I think that's about right.
no predictions here...

The first comment people make about my -9A project is, WOW.
The first question is, when will it be ready to fly.
To which I say... like a good wine.... not before it's time.

This being my 2nd airplane I've learned to not make predictions. Yes, I want it over sooner rather than later.... because I'd really rather be flying, and I really want to take her to OSH. But it's also dangerous to put oneself and the project on a time table. During that last 6 mo you'll be really tempted to taking little short cuts here and there. For me, I want to put as much energy and thought into the last rivet as I did the first.

Food for thought.....
I *might* be in the air in '09, but I'm not officially predicting that. I'm done with the canopy, engine is ready to mount, I have almost everything for the panel, and my interior is arriving tomorrow, so I'm close to being done paying for the build. We'll see how the winter build time goes...

BTW...I am in that photo of builders at Oshkosh...you are most welcome to join us for a FREE brew next time! Hope to see/meet you!

RE:Maybe last 0f 08

Around here...my garage...the question of the day from neighbors, friends , and family, "when will it be done". My answer, "when it is done"......Now with that said I hope to have my RV7A (started Sept 4, 2004) complete before the end of the year. I have been waiting on the temps here in the desert southwest to fall in the AM hour to the 70 to 80 degree average. The reason for this is the paint I am using recommends this range .... http://www.stewartsystems.aero/ .

Once the paint is complete, off to the airport to assemble.....DAR blessing....and the :D.............

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... paint/Stuff
Late 2009

I'm aiming for late 2009, with about 51% confidence. My winter progress will make or break it, and as a previous post notes, no shortcuts allowed.

Currently: Wings, Emp cpl with FG, QB fuse to systems install, canopy cut, drilling this weekend. Not started: engine. buying parts now, long lead OH's done, all the rest are stock items. I'm going to be stuck due to engine soon. Panel decisions made but for small layout tweaks. I'm at 800 hours now, getting roughly 40 hours/month during the summer, expecting 500 or so hours nov-march with minimal lifestyle changes.

If I don't fly until spring of 2010, it might be better for both me and the airplane, so it's not a crisis.

Rick 90432
Well, I certainly should be in the air in '09.

Actually should:rolleyes: be flying this year.

If I could only stay away from this site---------------:D
I bet $50 to my EAA tech advisor that I would be flying my RV4 by Jan 1st 2009. I don't think I am going to make it:(
The first flight of my bi-plane is planned for Saturday at 7:32 am.
Oh, I'm sorry, You said 2009...... Maybe 2010.
No predictions, but I want so badly to be flying by the end of 09. In my case it is very doable if I just stay focused.
I really wanted to fly this year but, still not finished. I now understand 90% done and 90% to go!

The baffles & snorkel were a real bear!

I hope now to fly early 2009.

Did pass my medical this month (69 years old).
The baffles & snorkel were a real bear!

I hope now to fly early 2009.

Did pass my medical this month (69 years old).

I'm slow in replying to this, but you older gentlemen in this group are amazing. Bring your secrets of youth to those 2009 flyins!


Well, I'm hoping for 2009, but I don't know when in 2009. Don't have my engine or my avionics, yet.

It's time to sell my Bonanza -- 1956 model. Anybody interested?:confused:
nov of 09

Aiming for fall of 09. Pending no deployments or continued market melt down I think I have a 75% chance of hitting my goal.