
Well Known Member
I received a text from my 25 year old daughter this morning asking if I would have the 40 hours for my phase 1 flown off by July. I told her I have about 25 more to go before I would be out of phase 1. Circumstances, weather, wind and the distance to the airport have hindered the progress of getting those hours flown off. She said she was asking because she was wanting to take the time off from work so she and I could fly up to Oshkosh for Airventure together. She and her husband moved away from us this last year and its an 7-8 hour car ride each way from Kentucky to her home in Springfield MO. I figured its about 3.5 in the RV one way. I know her mother is wanting those hours flown off as well. I don't think she (my wife) was a big fan when I started the project.
I had a lot of friends and family who were definitely not fans of my build - several of them declaring they would never ride with me "in that thing" and one family member openly declaring I would kill myself in it.

Funny, now that it's been flying for 2 years and a little more than 200 hours, those same people don't seem to have any problem asking for a ride somewhere, or trusting me to fly their children and grandchildren.
it's 3.5 hr there but less coming back. go out low and come back high because of the typical winds.
That's great story Mike. I know when you started the build several years ago you had dreams of her learning to fly your plane. Maybe it will happen yet!

Get back up there and fly off those hours!
