Bryan Wood

Well Known Member
So who holds title to being the high time 9/9A driver out there? My guess is Jim Bray who had 900 or so the last time we talked. Can anybody lay claim to more hours in type than Mr. Bray? He might have logged the most IFR in type
to boot. ??????
Hi Bryan,

Just turned over 900 hours this week on N86JV. They have been adding up fast at 1.6 hours per day during the weekday commute.

My actual IMC time in the 9A is pushing 25 hours. The IMC time doesn't add up very quickly when only punching up or down throught he marine layer here in the Bay Area. I have a few trips that were IMC for most of the flight but those are rare.

Have you started your IFR training? I would recommend it as it can be used often in the summer around here with the marine layer. The 9A has been a good IFR platform for me being very stable and performs well. The 9A is the only airplane I have flown in actual conditions so I can't compare it to other aircraft.
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