
Well Known Member
I thought it may make sense to get a list going of people and/or RVs who are staying in FL. It is possible that it may be hard to get back in for those who have left. Those of us who are staying may be able to check on other people's places/planes before they can get back in.

I currently have 3 flying RV's, 5 certified small birds, 3 Air Tractors and 2 RV projects in our newly built 150MPH wind rated hangar at X35. There are 11 of us in my house so far, hoping for the best just east of the current projected path in the Cat 1-3 range.
I will be here in Clearwater and when work at the fire department allows can try to check up on things for people who have left. I packed my wife up this AM and sent her on her way to NC, where my RV is already safely tucked away. Now everything important to me is safe :) Good luck everybody

Chris seven 2 seven, two eighty two, 43 sixty fiiiiive.

Vero Beach RVs are staying

Jesse, all of the guys here in Vero are staying. We've been going back and forth on whether to fly out--at one time they were showing the eye coming right over us, now it's the guys on the west coast. Wish everyone the best over there and in the center of the state, especially my good friend, John Mastro, who's RV-8 is stuck in Naples while he's flying a trip.

We have a bunch of RVs in the area between the main airport in Vero and the Aerdrome, which is a grass fly-in community just on the outside of town. Looks like we lucked out over here. Hangars vary from Port-a-Ports to large 55' square hangars rated at 150 mph. They are all packed!
Many of the Clearwater (KCLW) staying

But a terrible idea! Could not get the wife to leave without kids and grandkids --- the -6A just could not handle it!

Dan L. was able to fly out, but the rest of "RV Alley" are in the hangars.

Jacksonville is not supposed to get as much as some other places, bit if needed I have several friends that have RVs and we are hangered and staying. So if needed let us know
Also, if anyone has a rudder for an RV8 laying around please let me know.
Lbaero on vans

As Pat said, I have relocated to OKC with my work airplane.

My RV8 is parked in my work hangar at the KAPF airport.

I think my hangar is the strongest hurriance rated hangar there....but not against the water surge expected.
I am staying, my RV is safely tucked away at Grassroots Airpark and my wife and I will be riding out the hurricane at the Sheriffs Office Hanger at KORL. I am the duty pilot and will be airborne in the Helicopter once the storm passes to asses Orange County. Everyone stay safe out there.
I have family who are stuck in Key West. Live on Stock Island, and are taking refuge at KW High School this weekend. One of my relatives decided to go to his wife (in Wyoming) and it took him over 100 gallons of gasoline to get to Orlando, which is the only place he could get a flight out of. He said he never broke 20 mph the entire trip from Key West to Orlando. If he didn't have two drums of gasoline in his truck, he thinks he would not have made it.

Hence the rest have decided to stay, as they would rather shelter at the high school than be trapped in a car on the road.

So it is very possible I'll be flying down there in the Warrior in the next week or so to assist with aid efforts and/or help family. If I am able to go, I may be able to assist others in the Keys area.
I'm in Bonita Springs/Naples and obviously not leaving at this point. We have metal roll down shutters, are fifteen feet plus above MSL with a 5Kv generator. Once the smoke clears I'm available to do most anything I can for anyone in need. From the present forecast that should be Sunday night.

239-365-1965 call
239-390-3911 office
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We evacuated to the panhandle just to evacuate back home in Spruce Creek. The path shifted by 200 miles. Hopefully the Radial 8 survives its second hurricane.
I am it the crosshairs, as is the 6A in the hangar.
Hunkered down and hoping for the best.
Most of my local RV'ers bugged out, but I couldn't.
Sunday will be very interesting.

Downgraded to cat 3 a couple hours ago. It looks like Western FL will get the worst if it stays on its current path.
But a terrible idea! Could not get the wife to leave without kids and grandkids --- the -6A just could not handle it!

Dan L. was able to fly out, but the rest of "RV Alley" are in the hangars.


Hey Ron,
I am holding up here in Bay Pines. All windows boarded up & we feel safe.
Glad I relocated my 7 to NH, but it would have been nice to have to bug out yesterday. Although, I at least know the 7 is safe.
It's a shame I'm going to miss the Belfast Lobster fly in. :( I was really looking forward to it.

If no damage to our houses, we expect to head up to New England in our RV(motor home) ASAP.
What a way to start off retirement.

Latest track @ 1100, shows us in the cross hairs.

Be safe out there everyone.
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I'm at my place in North Carolina...but my home (condo) in St. Pete Beach, FL looks like it's in the direct path of the hurricane, unless it shifts direction. It's at least a second floor unit, but it's right on the water, so I'm hoping the storm surge doesn't rise that high, but from looking at the National Hurricane Center, it might.

I feel bad for the folks on the first floor as it sounds like they will most likely get flooded.

I own a large cargo van that's in NC, so I'm thinking of putting some plywood, tools, portable generator, extra fuel, etc. in it and driving back to FL after the hurricane passes for the necessary clean up.

Sending hope and prayers to all my fellow RVers in FL. Stay safe!
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Streaming The Weather Channel live here in the UK while doing tailcone fairings on our 12's....

The eye wall just went through Naples, the video was just simply amazing. Went from 80mph winds and driving rain to calm and light rain in under 5 minutes. These guys and gals just do some tremendous reporting in such difficult conditions.

It's heading north to where my buddy lives at Z Hills, but seems to be less damaging than they first thought.

Fingers crossed for all in the next few hours.
Took the rv to Texas but had to leave the piper in the hangar at fmy. Family made it to cape cod so we are all safe. Had someone check the house it faired pretty well. They looked at the airport but didn't didn't know which hangar is mine. The pictures they sent showed the row I'm in and it looked ok, but can't tell. If anybody gets over to fmy let me Kia what a-59 looks like. South side new hangers fare eastern row. Thanks

Bob burns
Rv-4 n82rb
Pa28-151 n56831
Naples got whacked pretty good. highest documented wind gust report was 149 at the Naples airport. Fortunately, the eye wall started to fall apart at that location. When she passed me, about 15 miles north of the airport, winds were reported to be 130 plus. From the tracking available it looks like the eye wall's western edge passed right over my house.

All is well, a 7 Kv Honda portable generator that runs the refrig, a one room AC unit and all the lights and other low draw stuff you would need. We have NG so a match will give us cooking heat. Kind of like a Mother Nature imposed delux camping trip :D I don't expect to have power or phone service until the end of the week.

To those who wonder why we stayed, we live in a concrete block wall structure with a pre stresses concrete beam roof that is also the floor of the unit above us. Metal storm shutters for the windows as well. We are 15' above MSL so it would take a h*ll of a big storm surge to get us.