
Well Known Member
I will be in Ireland on June 4th for 10 days. Would love to meet and visit with some RVators while I'm there. Anybody available on those days? :)
You will be most welcome

Hi Tony,

Well, I for one am building a 9 in a tiny workshop here in Dublin. There is another 9 and a 10 being built not far from the city, an 8 that will soon begin construction, two 7s under active construction 'down the country' and a 12 being built as a teaching project on an aeronautical engineering course in one of our provincial technical colleges. There is one other 7 project that is currently moribund as far as I know.

As regards flyers, EI-HUM (an RV-7) is the daddy of them all and operated by a former RAF Harrier pilot, Another local RV-6 flew all the way to South Africa and back late last year. There are 4 more RVs currently flying and one that is 'under repair'. There were two RV first flights last year. The remarkable aspect of our fleet is that it is entirely comprised of taildraggers due to the predominance of shortish grass strips (no WWII airfields here).

Our EAA-equivalent is the Irish Light Aviation Society ("ILAS"), which has about 200 members, including builders, restorers and operators of homebuilt and vintage aircraft. Our permit regime is much more similar to the US system than to our neighbors in the UK.

I would be happy to hook up with you to talk RVs and show you my project. PM me with details of your trip and we will organize it.
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Tony, I had the pleasure of meeting Loman last year at Osh. I bought the steps he decided not to use on his tail-dragger 9, so part of my plane has already been to Ireland! Wonderful gentleman and cool project, especially given his unique space constraints. I'm sure you'll have a great time and am quite jealous of your trip!
Hey Loman, thanks for the offer. I sent an email to your gmail account. Very much looking forward to meeting up!
Crossing Atlantic

Here cousin goes to Ireland on Continental 22. I am so glad he will be out of the country for a while. Nobody will be intercepting me in the air for a WEEK!!!


After his HS was completed he awarded himself a lavish overseas vacation. I could imagine where he goes after VS is done. :D
Building in Ireland

I had no idea there was so much RV activity in Ireland! I grew up in Malahide, just north of Dublin and am now building a -10 in Chicago... Must get in touch next time I'm home to visit the family. Slan!