Louise Hose

Well Known Member
Near the end of 2007, N164MS (aka Mikey) received a major panel overhaul that was followed by many of you (http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=24139). At the start of the project, the panel was a 15 year old mess. At the end, Mikey showed off a beautiful glass panel.

Mikey?s panel before the recent panel upgrade

So, why is Mikey going under the knife after less than six years? Well?avionics and the mission have changed. In 2007, I was looking to make the airplane capable of supporting my instrument check ride, and maybe shooting an approach or departing from the LA/San Diego marine layers. For this (at the time) VHF Nav and ILS capability would do the trick, backed up with a VFR GPS. A two-axis autopilot made the workload manageable. Dual comms with the ability to monitor three frequencies at once, redundant EFIS platforms, and the reliability of electronic engine instrumentation (fuel flow and a totalizer add measurably to the safety margin), all at a budget price meant a D10A and D180 from Dynon were wise choices.

But, about the same time as the overhaul was finished, the IFR environment seemed to change. Whereas one used to be able to fly around with VHF Nav just fine, the number of airports where you can shoot approaches with just that equipment is shrinking rapidly. GPS is (very rapidly) becoming the default NAV choice for IFR flight ? and that means CERTIFIED IFR GPS capability - which pretty much means Garmin equipment like a 430W or a GTN 650. EFIS choices abound ? but for IFR, they pretty much all are designed to interface with the boxes from ?Big G?. Some do it better than others.

The relatively new GTN 650 IFR-certified GPS comm/nav radio will be a part of Mikey?s new upgrade.

The new G3X equipment for Garmin (I think of it as the Second Generation Architecture) Is intriguing as it offers capability a la carte. If you want a VFR EFIS, skip the ARINC box for instance. Need a big honkin? IFR navigator ? add the box back in. ADS-B capability is added with a box. Put it in when you want it. Almost everyone is recognizing the value of remote mounted transponders when panel space is limited ? and the G3X talks nicely to that.

The project started with removing the old?stripping the instruments from the ?old? panel while we waited for the new units to arrive.

So Mikey is getting a new G3X system with Dual AHRS, built-in autopilot (with the new autopilot control head), and remote transponder, a new GNC 255 NavComm as a second Comm and Nav to the GTN 650 with touch screen. We?ve been interested in trying out touchscreen technology, and here?s a chance to try it out during routine field operations. It gets bumpy out west ? if it works there, it?ll work. The built-in autopilot is backed up against screen failures with the new dedicated control panel ? but if both of the AHRS run down the same software rabbit hole at the same time, we?ll have a TruTrak Gemini to fly to the nearest airport.

The boxes arrived?.

and Christmas came in May this year.

Life is really busy right now and we opted to let SteinAir cut the panel and wire the harnesses.

Instead of removing the old panel, we carved the necessary, enlarged holes in the old panel, cut out and installed a new rib, and attached a new panel module (provided by SteinAir) to hold the new instruments.

The dual screen set-up will be the same as we have in Tsam, the RV-3, so pilot familiarization is maximized. Paul likes flying and testing different EFIS?s, but for solid IFR work it is nice to know exactly what your EFIS is doing, and that can get tough if you constantly switch platforms.

First fitting of the radios in the new panel. Note the autopilot control panel in the upper right.

Most of the cool new stuff for the G3X is actually behind the panel or under the floorboards, but when you see Mikey this year, you can tell he?s got new toys under the hood when you see the autopilot control panel.

The new Garmin servos are small and light.

A lot was accomplished over Memorial Day weekend and we?ll have more to report over the next week or two as we finish up. Other photos are available at: https://picasaweb.google.com/DrKarst/PANEL_PROJECT2013?authkey=Gv1sRgCJHU96zKssnBlwE#
Louise, you're going to love Mikey more than you already do.

Beautiful and capable set up you have there.
Ain't many people make me jealous, but you two..... French doors in the hangar...new panels....dang.
You guys have been making quick progress....I mean jeez...we JUST sent the stuff to you after all!

You'll notice the master technician in the photo is wearing the appropriate shirt - it explains the new equipment (I almost feel ashamed for re-appropriating their hard earned money); though I'm not yet entirely happy just yet...stay tuned! :)

You'll notice the master technician in the photo is wearing the appropriate shirt - it explains the new equipment (I almost feel ashamed for re-appropriating their hard earned money); though I'm not yet entirely happy just yet...stay tuned! :)


Does this mean The Val is going G3X too??

It's a good thing Paul found that second job... :D
Lookin good for Mikey!

Lovin my panel more and more everyday! You are making a great choice!
Does this mean The Val is going G3X too??

It's a good thing Paul found that second job... :D

No....we're quite happy with the GRT suite in the Val Mike! I like variety, and I like development and testing - it keeps me intellectually stimulated.

This install is a lot of fun - we received the trays and panel blank from Stein about two weeks ago, but spent five days out in Carson City right after they arrived. The harness and all of the boxes showed up last Friday evening, and what you see there is the result of a weekend of mechanical and electrical install. Basically, one and a half days for mechanical, then another day and a half for snaking in the central nervous system. We wanted to give the new Garmin architecture a try while leaving all of the re-work we did (five years ago) on the basic airframe systems untouched, which is why we left the panel frame and switch panel/breakers untouched. We now have a modular platform that can be played with in the future. The radio stack is fixed - everything else pops right out.

We put power on the system last night, despite a few connections not being finalized, and all of the Olathe smoke stayed in in the boxes - a very good sign!
GTN 650


You are going to love the GTN 650. It's a wonderfully easy to use unit, that is a powerful Radio, VOR/LOC/GPS, and Flight Management System. When I installed it in the Doll, I really didn't appreciate the Flight Management capability. I am still learning new ways to use it.

The new panel in Mikey looks great!

You are going to love the GTN 650. It's a wonderfully easy to use unit, that is a powerful Radio, VOR/LOC/GPS, and Flight Management System. When I installed it in the Doll, I really didn't appreciate the Flight Management capability. I am still learning new ways to use it.

The new panel in Mikey looks great!

I agree, the GTN series units are amazing boxes. They make the GNS series look like 80's technology.