
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
OK, so I finally am going to get a week of vacation for the first time this year, and my plan is to take the Valkyrie and go visit with the family up in the Twin Cities, and then spend a couple days roaming around my old haunts in the North Star State.

"Gee, maybe I should print out the Minnesota listings from the RV White Pages!" I say to myself, figuring maybe I can drop in and visit a few people.

But to my shock and amazement, there are many well-known names form these forums who I KNOW are living in Minnesota that do not have listings! I don't want to name names......but how am I supposed to harass anyone if I can't find them!

Oh....maybe that's the idea..... :rolleyes:

Can't possibly imagine who you are talking about. See, the "Minnesota Nice" you remember doesn't extend to actually going out of our way to help wayward RVer's! We figure if we have our names in the white pages, you might actually visit us!

Seriously, let us know when you will be here, and we will get a little group together.