
Active Member
My RV-7 makes a whistling noise after it gets to 160-180 mph. Kind of odd, but it is airspeed related and not engine. Anybody experience this? Should I be concerned? Airplane has almost 200 hrs flying time.

Put some tape over the elevator attach point holes and then try it. If it goes away you will know where the whistle is coming from. If it does and it probably will then you will need to experiment with different hole size openings to get rid of the offending whistle.
If you're hearing it from inside the airplane it's probably the canopy. Let me guess, it's a tip-up?
check the wheel pants too!

If the wheel pants are on, it could be the holes in them whistling as well.
whistle noise

It is a tip up, and is very happy. I have felt strips along the aft edge where the canopy rests, but there are some definite gaps along the sides. Maybe I'll try sealing those up first. I can hear it very well in the cockpit with ANR headset, people on the ground don't hear it. At least they didn't as I was doing a 200 mph low approach.
My RV-8 made a loud whistling noise when I put my upper gear leg intersection fairings on. It didn't whistle before putting them on and the right one didn't fit tightly at the front when I first installed them. Fixing this small gap and making them fit tightly eliminated the noise - and it was loud...

I can hear it very well in the cockpit with ANR headset, people on the ground don't hear it. At least they didn't as I was doing a 200 mph low approach.

If you're doing a 200 mph low approach it's probably your passenger in the right set whistling nervously.:D
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