Well Known Member
The black plastic vents..... One is super stiff, one is super loose and won't hold position. I'm looking at them and thinking that I'd like better, but $300 for a pair of aluminum square ones compared to $50 for the two I have.... I'd rather spend that dough elsewhere.

Any chance my super loose whisperflo is just a bad unit and if I get another it will be better? Or do they all loosen up excessively with time? I wish this solution was a lot better....
Seems to me that most folks don't care for the plastic vents due to both aesethics and leakage issues. Maybe place a want to buy ad here and see if someone can save you a few $? Worth a shot.


Vans will take them as a return. They also sell a direct replacement in aluminum. The metal ones are very nice.
Since I 100% know the plastic ones aren't good enough I will get the aluminum. ACS has them too; a few dollars more but I need some other stuff too...
Whisper Flow

I've got six standard Vans Black Plastic Vents in the RV10, two just under the panel and four in home grown overhead console. I like the look, the ease of operation and the reasonable price. Yes they can leak a bit as supplied but that can easily be fixed, also to tighten the flap operation just requires a tweak on the Allan Key Fasteners both sides. To fix any leak issues, cut approx one eighth rings (nice and straight) from the appropriate size PVC Pipe that fits the inside of vent, then cut the rings in half and trim so they nest nicely up against the closed flap, one on each side. Glue the PVC pieces in place with good quality Supa Glue, I like the one that has the "welding powder". Cheers from Western Australia