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What is the advantages of the whrilwind prop? Iam going to hang the yo-320 160hp, carb, on my Rv-9. Is it worth the extra 3500.00 for the whirlwind prop? :cool:
On my -9A with the Hartzell prop, with nothing in the baggage compartment, single pilot, over 25 gal of fuel, I exceeded the max nose wheel weight per Van's SB. I agonized over that and decided that since I often fly solo, it is a corner of the envelope that I would be in regularly. So I decided to add 9 lbs of lead in the tail to get me to full fuel and meet the nose weight restriction. In reality, there is always a "heavy" tool kit in baggage... but. I have a full instrument panel, so that probably adds to the issue also. What's the right answer... don't think there is one, but technically it saved me $390/lb in lead. :cool:
I have a IO-320 with Hartzell c/s and on paper I am nose heavy. I placed my ELT in the tail. I also have a pitch servo and the trutrak All-Trim box behind the baggage compartment. I did NOT have to add lead to the tail.

I too was concerned about over weighing the nose gear so I called Van's with my W/B scenarios and talked to Ken Scott. They were publishing a different max nose weight for the 9A & 7A (due to the weight diff between the 320 & 360) and he was unaware of this and didn't see the need for that, so I used the max nose weight for the 7A. In my worst case scenario, I was over the nose limit by @30 lbs and he didn't think that was an issue as long as I didn't practice carrier landings. :eek:

(Here's my rant on nose heavy landings)
I've flown 53 hrs since Nov 2011 and I pride myself in that I can easily keep the nose wheel off the ground on landing until it simply won't stay up any longer. Mike Seager beat that into me during my transition training. Every time I thought it was done, he showed me there was still another second or two left that I could keep the nose up. I've found that even though you are well below stall, it's just a matter of balance to keep that nose off the ground. The RV9 really has good pitch authority at slow speed, so use it!! For me, it's just a matter of balancing the nose.

Before I bought my prop, I inquired if Whirlwind had a c/s prop for the 320 and I could never get an answer from them. At that time, their website only had info for the 360 and they wouldn't respond to my email inquiries. If they actually have a c/s for the 320 and you have an extra $3500 to spend, go for it, they seem to be a good quality prop. But don't be too concerned about being too nose heavy. Mine flys fine and it certainly doesn't fly or feel like it's nose heavy. If Van's was really concerned about it, you would see a Whirlwind on their nose instead of the old trusty Hartzell. :cool:
I have an RV-9A that's pretty heavy with full interior & panel and lots of paint. With the Whirlwind my CG is very well centered so that's a good bonus. The extra 35# for a metal CS blade up front would be an issue for me.
The lighter Whirlwind would be the obvious choice with the heavier 0 360 but in my case with an 0 320 the heavier Hartzell works well as regards c of g.

My most fwd possible c of g (solo, full fuel and no baggage) is at 7% of the allowable range from the fwd limit and with a nose wheel weight of 342 lb. The aircraft flies OK at this but is over the Vans max nose wheel weight of 325 lb. However I usually carry a tool kit/tie downs and 5 lt. of water in the baggage compartment and this brings me back to 20% from the fwd limit and 326 lb on the nose wheel.

The most aft possible c of g situation I could imagine would be 84% from the fwd limit with a nose wheel weight of 235 lb. IMHO for me the heavier Hartzell is a good choice as I would prefer no going further aft than around 85% from the fwd limit.

The Hartzell requires less maintenance and should be more durable. On the 9A the propellor tip is fairly close to the ground and unless you are careful it is easy to pick up a rock. Early on I got one rock impact that was repairable on the Hartzell but I suspect could have caused major damage on the Whirlwind.

0 320, Hartzell.
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