
Active Member
Hello All,
I was just reading the group buy thread about the 200RV prop... I was wondering a couple things.

1. What is the prop made of? I visited the WW site and couldn't tell if it is wood or composite. I like the look of them alot, appreciate the R&D they did for the Van's Aircraft and am seriously considering it. I was leaning toward Hartzell BA but now maybe not so much...

2. Do they make them for a -7 with a 200-215 HP Lycoming in the CS flavor? All the stuff I read involved an -8 or -4 I believe. The engine in question will be an angle valve IO-360 or the IO-390.

Thanks in advance!
Here's some info:

Hello All,
I was just reading the group buy thread about the 200RV prop... I was wondering a couple things.

1. What is the prop made of? I visited the WW site and couldn't tell if it is wood or composite. I like the look of them alot, appreciate the R&D they did for the Van's Aircraft and am seriously considering it. I was leaning toward Hartzell BA but now maybe not so much...

Carbon fiber. No wood core. It's actually hollow near the root and possibly through the blade. Nickel leading edge. Jack Norris (leading propeller expert) gave the efficiency of the design of the WW200RV an excellent endorsement during a talk he gave at OSH a couple years ago.

Actual efficiency appears to be pretty much equivalent to the Hartzell BA based on the results of Larry Vetterman's excellent testing.

2. Do they make them for a -7 with a 200-215 HP Lycoming in the CS flavor? All the stuff I read involved an -8 or -4 I believe. The engine in question will be an angle valve IO-360 or the IO-390.

Yes. The WW200RV is the right prop for a -7. You can verify with them, but I'm 90% sure they will recommend this prop for an IO-360 or a 390.

I don't believe any vibration studies have been completed on this prop with any engine / equipment combo. I hope to do my own vibration study once the -7A is flying.