
Well Known Member
Just ordered a new 200rv prop for my rv6 160 hp. They offer it in 70” and 72” diameter. Does anyone have an opinion on which is perferred and why? Lead time is 8-10 weeks right now, so plenty of time to change the order. I ordered a 70” for less frontal area, but second guessing my choice.
The advantage of a larger diameter is increased efficiency and a bit more braking. The disadvantage of the larger prop is it's an inch closer to the little nasties on the ground.

I will be ordering a whirlwind prop in person at Oshkosh next week.I haven't decided on the rv200 which is great for cruise or hold out for the new style blades hrt lite or whatever they will call it.i do have my colours picked though.

I went with the 70" for my -4. I'm sure an extra inch in length (72") would've been fine, but I fly out of a moderately unsloped field and love wheel landings so minus that extra inch just makes me feel better.
The new as yet unannounced prop from whirlwind is to be very similar to the HRT prop but for more modest horsepower from 150 to 200.

It has been in testing for a while with results as good as expected, but they won't release it until testing is finished. Will fit cowl etc same as an rv 200
