
Active Member
I would like to give a shoutout to all the employees up in Austinburg, at the Whirlwind shop. Jeramy, an Bill especially. What a great visit. I had a balance problem with my Rocket 400 prop, so I flew up to let them look at it. Boy was I treated like a long lost millionaire uncle. Bill helped me shove it into the hanger, after rearranging several of those beautiful Titan p51 replicas. He took the prop off, took it over to his shop, did a complete rebalance, while in the process, gave me a tour of his facility an all the projects he had going. Took the prop back to the hanger, put it back on the Rocket, did a magical job of Safety Wiring, which I'm going to shamelessly tell friends that I did :):):) Off I went, with a new found smoothness.
If anyone wants an excellent prop an backed by service to match, these are the folks to see. Rick Gray sold me mine an I could not be happier.
Service like this on an out of warranty prop is priceless.
Thanks again