Just got off the phone talking with Kevin Russell, and he said they've got 16 confirmed with down payments, and that there are another 16 "on the fence". Well, let's make that 17 now, since I'm seriously considering the Whirlwind for my RV-8.

BTW, Kevin is very pleasant to talk to. He seems very forthcoming with information.
Another one here...


You can count another one to the group as I'll send in my deposit as soon as Bob or Kevin answers my e-mail which I sent in yesterday.
No reply...


I haven't heard back from Bob or Kevin after I sent them an e-mail wanting to join the group buy.

Anyone have an e-mail adress to Kevin?


PS: Doug: can you please tell us how many on the list by now?

[ed. On my task list to call them today. dr]
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add more at sun n fun

i'll be ordering at sun n fun (prop and gov) so add that to the count.
Delivery timeframe ?

I am waiting for the delivery of my prop, because the engine was hung this weekend. Obviously I have other stuff to do, before I have to start on the cowl, but I am getting ready for it. Does this extension mean we will have to wait longer for the shipping of the first propellers?

Regards, Tonny.

Hi Tonny,

When I talked to them, they said they were going to establish a priority list based on need.

I'm sure if you need your prop they will get it to you. If the group buy provides a better discount, I'm sure they will refund that difference to you.

These guys are good to work with.
PCU 5000 discount?


I heard the audio of Bob Honig where he said that they'd sell the PCU-5000 with a discount until S&F if it where sold together with the WW200RV prop group buy.

That might be good news for me since I'm on the fence for that prop.

Does anyone know how much discount for the governor we're talking about?

Another 200RV Buyer

I'm also "in" . . . I paid my deposit today. :)

Thanks for organizing this group buy, Doug! :D

Bill Palmer
I'm In Too!

Just put in my order for a prop and governor as well! :D:D:D:D

I'll be in the 3rd tier of deliveries though as I won't need mine until late fall at least!

Thanks for organizing this Doug, and thanks to the guys at Whirlwind! Saved a pile of bucks!

Hi again.

I just heard from Bob and he said that he's planning to sell the governor for 1.150 USD if bought together with the WW.

Not bad at all.... :)
not too shabby

Full price: Prop+gov $7895+1450=$9345

VAF discount price: $7200+1150=$8350

That's almost like getting the governor for free.;)
I spoke to Bob and he was over 40 props by noon today...and got another call for one while we were on the phone! WOW! Do you happen to know what the final tally was by the end of the group buy today?

Thanks Doug and Bob for putting this together! The group buy was what inspired me to learn about the Whirwind 200RV and the participation was what ultimately brought me to place the order.

Thanks again to you and the VAF members for making this such a success!!!

- Peter

PS - ...bought the governor too. How could I not?!?
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Payment terms not as advertised !

Everybody will have noticed the payment terms in Doug?s group buy message.

Terms: $1,000.00 deposit, non-refundable (credit card accepted).

Balance due prior to shipping-(no credit cards), check only.

Contacted Kevin about this when I paid my $ 1.000,-. Told him I was not too worried about the $ 1.000,-, but that I was worried about the $ 6.500,- (including shipping), that I would have to pay later, but prior to shipping, and asked him what guaranties I would get (bank guaranty ?) He wrote me that he would come back to me about it, but never did. However, now is the time that American Propeller are going to order from Whirlwind and insist on getting the money paid up front, prior to ordering from Whirlwind, without any guaranty. The propeller will be delivered in 4 to 6 weeks.

You all know that a lot can happen in 4 to 6 weeks. Companies are fallen by the douzens, daily. Banks go down the drain with billions of debts. Hey, we even got a country down here, that is bankrupt! I do not know this company, personally, and certainly not its financial situation.

I spoke to Bob before and he is all about how well their business is doing, and they are all trustworthy, yabayabayaba....... but they want the money, this far up front, because they have to pay Whirlwind up front!? That is all very nice, and Bob and Kevin are sure very nice people, don't understand me wrong, but what if they get pulled under by some other company, a bank, or whatever? If they are doing so well it should not be a problem to finance the business they?re in, right? I told him he is already ahead, because he has got my $ 1.000,- and I still have nothing. I want to pay when the propeller is shipped and before it is released to me. That way it is safe and fair to everybody, but that was not an option.

Are you all going to take the risk and pay the full price 4 to 6 weeks in advance? or do you have another option?

Regards, Tonny.
Risk, yes life is full of risk.

I would think an order of 40 props($288000) will keep everyone in business long enough for you to get your prop. I've never read or heard of anything bad or shady about American Propeller or Eagle Engines. SO I'd be willing to bet if Whirlwind goes TU, they'll make it right.

Yep, life's a risk. In fact my whole RV project is a risk.....might be one big lawn ornament.
Don't worry

... Contacted Kevin about this when I paid my $ 1.000,-. Told him I was not too worried about the $ 1.000,-, but that I was worried about the $ 6.500,- (including shipping), that I would have to pay later, but prior to shipping, and asked him what guaranties I would get (bank guaranty ?) He wrote me that he would come back to me about it, but never did. However, now is the time that American Propeller are going to order from Whirlwind and insist on getting the money paid up front, prior to ordering from Whirlwind, without any guaranty. The propeller will be delivered in 4 to 6 weeks.... (snip)

Tony, I understand your concern, but it looks like you're guessing here. If you were never contacted by American Propeller, I don't think you should worry. They're a great company headed up by one of us. They're in the business of taking care of their customers, and that means they'll stick to their word.

I'm also in the GB... and its a great deal. American hasn't contacted me with any special request for early payment. I have a clear understanding at this time: the balance will be due upon shipment. That's standard practice. Be cool...
Not standard practice this time!


No, I am not guessing, I was contacted! And no, they will not accept payment upon shipment, they want payment now, not standard practice!

Regards, Tonny.
I'm in too.


I just talked to Kevin and joined the group buy for the WW prop and PCU governor.

Kevin told me that there's now 53 (!) people that now has joined and several more on the fence.

He said that the latest possible delivery was by the end of December this year.
He also said that the TBO started at first startup.

I don't need a prop for another year so this was good news to me.

No, I am not guessing, I was contacted! And no, they will not accept payment upon shipment, they want payment now, not standard practice!

Regards, Tonny.

I did not here about the 4-6 weeks, but I live in the USA. I suspect the 4-6 weeks is because your overseas, and it might take 4-6 weeks for a check deposited in a USA account to clear an account overseas. So 4-6 weeks seems like a fair deal on their part.

I bought an ECI engine, prop, and governer from them. The governer arrived about 6 weeks after ordering (group buy on prop and gov). Engine is in somewhat of a backorder stage (Ordered December 31, 08, and should be here in May 09), and I ask to put me in line for a prop in late July-August time frame.
Delivery status ?

Hello Guys,

Has anybody received his propeller yet?

I need mine to be able to fit the cowling and am waiting for news. I guess I will send them an email this evening.

Regards, Tonny.
Delivery delays.........

The group buy closed about two months ago, so we are well past the 4 to 6 weeks delivery time. I Spoke to Ken yesterday. They have not received any materials yet, from Whirlwind. He could not tell me when he expects any deliveries either! This means it will take at least another 3 to 4 weeks (assembly, painting, packig, shipping) before we can expect the first propellers to arrive at our doors and that is if they get the materials right away!.

Not good!


I bought my 200RV late last summer direct from Whirlwind. I don't recall the exact price, but think it was $7500, maybe slightly more. This was with an Oshkosh show discount. Even though it was more than a month after OSH when I ordered it, Greg still gave me the discount. Gave em $1,000 down, and the rest right before it shipped. I can guarantee you that once you get this prop you will not be disappointed. It is beautiful, and the performance is outstanding.

My neighbor is waiting on his and needs it now. As of yesterday, WW had not shipped the parts to American. Not sure of the delay.

I'm just curious, any reason the deal was not cut through WW directly? It would have saved one shipping step. Don't want to cut American out of it but I know WW also sells direct.
200 RV update

I just talked to Kevin @ American Propeller. My group buy 200 RV will be delivered 6/9/09. Great guys to work with. They are on schedule as promised.
Flynwest: 06/09/09 ?? or 09/06/09 ??

I always get confused! Most logical is: "day-month-year", but you guys seem to go: "month-day-year". Do you mean your propeller will be dilivered in 5 days or in a couple of months?

How can they send your propeller out if they do not even have any parts yet? Do you know that American Propeller will only get "parts" from Whrilwind and they will assemble it, test it, paint it, pack it and ship it out? There is going to be at least several weeks between them get'n the parts and you get'n a propeller!

If you are being delivered one in the next couple of days, Kevin is telling me porky pies! I am on the "A" list for first delivery! Please let us know when it arrives!

Regards, Tonny.
I had never worked with American Prop before and agree that everyone at American Prop has been SUPER to work with! Kevin has been GREAT with follow up on the questions that I had (after I ordered) and with the design ideas for possibly doing custom paint.

I'm very happy I chose to work with them on my prop and look forward to seeing the finished product!

- Peter

PS - I'm in the "C" group not needing my prop right away.
I always get confused! Most logical is: "day-month-year", but you guys seem to go: "month-day-year". Do you mean your propeller will be dilivered in 5 days or in a couple of months?


Regards, Tonny.

My job is full of deadlines, some of them in Europe. I've had more than one near heart-attack from initially reading your date format backwards!
group buy 200 rv

I got my prop from american propeller 45 minuets ago. I believe I was the first to put up my deposit. Kevin and Bob did everything they said they would. It is great to have this forum for the group buy. Thanks Doug
I got my propeller about 45 min. ago. It looks great and Kevin and Bob did exactly what they said they would. Thanks to Doug for getting these group buys together.
Ameritech Propeller

Has anyone else received a Prop. I call weekly, patiently, and the response is that parts are slow in coming from Whirlwind in Ohio
Tad Sargent
Still not received my propeller!!!

No, still not received my propeller!! A couple of weeks ago Kevin told me that he had only received parts for O-360 propellers, but Whirlwind tell me that the O-360 and O-320 propellers are the same! I no longer get answers from Kevin on my email, last one was a week ago. This situation is totally ridicules: they organise a group buy and then claim they can not supply because of the huge demand!!!??. This is not about a thousend propellers, it is only 50, and 20 of those are probably only going to be delivered by the end of the year, anyway. They claim that they have shipped 4 propellers so far.

Please keep us posted if you get yours delivered or even if you get an answer from American Propeller.

Regards, Tonny.
Whirlwind 200RV Update

We at American Propeller have been as frustrated as some of you that have a propeller on order.

Kevin and I have been trying to get updates but there has been nothing but solid. But after a heart to heart talk with some of the folks at Whirlwind I finally received this:


Please accept my sincerest apology for being out of touch at this critical time. I was traveling most of last week on other business and was very disappointed, to say the least, to find where we still were when I returned.

Here is where we are today. I was waiting for only one part (the hub) from a subcontractor. The hold up, although it is certainly not American's problem, was the start up of production that had to be done in such a way as to keep our costs at an absolute minimum so we could offer the prices that we did. This ramp up took twice as long as I was told.

This morning I received (6) hubs. They must be bead blasted and anodized. They will be back in my possession on Wednesday and we will ship (6) complete hubs kits (including spinners) UPS red at our expense on Wednesday. You will get them Thursday.

I expect another shipment of (10) hubs by the end of this week. By the middle of next week the (10) kits will be in your hands. From that point forward we will be moving as you expected. Jim has taken possession of another blade tool so his output will double. All other components that we manufacture in house are done for the entire (70) piece job.

Again, I can only apologize, but assure you this order is getting our full attention. I also apologize that you did not get adequate answers last week in my absence.

Regards, Jeremy

I hope this will put all of our minds at ease.

Thanks for your patience.

Bob Honig

The following was an email 2 weeks ago. ANY NEW NEWS

Tad Sargent

Whirlwind 200RV Update

We at American Propeller have been as frustrated as some of you that have a propeller on order.

Kevin and I have been trying to get updates but there has been nothing but solid. But after a heart to heart talk with some of the folks at Whirlwind I finally received this:


Please accept my sincerest apology for being out of touch at this critical time. I was traveling most of last week on other business and was very disappointed, to say the least, to find where we still were when I returned.

Here is where we are today. I was waiting for only one part (the hub) from a subcontractor. The hold up, although it is certainly not American's problem, was the start up of production that had to be done in such a way as to keep our costs at an absolute minimum so we could offer the prices that we did. This ramp up took twice as long as I was told.

This morning I received (6) hubs. They must be bead blasted and anodized. They will be back in my possession on Wednesday and we will ship (6) complete hubs kits (including spinners) UPS red at our expense on Wednesday. You will get them Thursday.

I expect another shipment of (10) hubs by the end of this week. By the middle of next week the (10) kits will be in your hands. From that point forward we will be moving as you expected. Jim has taken possession of another blade tool so his output will double. All other components that we manufacture in house are done for the entire (70) piece job.

Again, I can only apologize, but assure you this order is getting our full attention. I also apologize that you did not get adequate answers last week in my absence.

Regards, Jeremy
Wrong hardware!

Today, finally my propeller arrived! :) Yeah............but guess what? with the wrong bolts installed! :eek: (O-360 instead of O-320)

I must admit this is not Ameritechs fault, but Whirlwinds! Kevin will get back to me on monday, after speaking with Whirlwind and confirm if they can send me the right bolts and if I can change them myself. If not, the propeller has to go back to the States which will be an approx. $ 600,- operation (customs and shipping) and another 2-3 weeks delay!

I will let you know when I get the answer.

Regards, Tonny.
Must be kidding!


You are kidding, right?

Removing the electronic ignition (that has been set during a 4,5 hr test run, by the engine builder), press out the lugs, redrill the crank, press-in new lugs, redrill the flywheel, reinstall the electronic ignition and set the ignition timing again. Than install the propeller (if it does fit, that is) and hope the timing will be OK. No, no, no............this is not my problem, it is Whirlwinds problem!

Regards, Tonny.
Modified the propeller for O-320!

Yesterday the new studs along with a reamer and a jig, arrived from Whirlwind. The 200 RV is actually an O-360 propeller and to be able to fit the 200RV to an O-320, the hub flange must be modified. (I did not know that!) The lugs on the crank are smaller but longer than on an O-360.

I had to remove the studs, which went quicker than I expected because there was no loctite on them?! Than I had to ream out 4 of the holes to allow the crank lugs to go into the propeller flange deep enough. After installing the new (smaller) studs and special collar-washers the propeller was ready to go on. Everything fits nicely and the whole job took me about 3 hours. (plus another 2 hours driving around trying to find the right size tap handle).

I am glad that Whirlwind solved the problem this way, because sending the propeller back would have been even more hassle.

Jeremy, from Whirlwind, promised me that all other O-320 propellers, from the group buy, would be modified in the factory and get the right studs on from the start.

For those with an O-360, this is what the crank flange looks like on an O-320.


This is the jig with the reamer in position. They did a real good job on this, everything fitted perfectly.


This is what the holes look like after reaming them out.


Job done, and ..........


........... finally, the propeller on the plane!


I can get on with my cowl now. I hope this has helped other builders, that will not have to do this mod anymore.

Kind regards, Tonny.
Thanks for the info.

I am considering this prop for my RV6.

My engine of choice is an IO-320.

It looks like it should work very well.