
Well Known Member
I have finally completed my spinner design and layup for my WW 330-3B for my F1 Rocket. I have been waiting for a 15" spinner for ages, it seems (ordered in October of '21), with no luck so I went ahead and fabricated my own.

The prop is awesome and pulls so much harder than my AeroComposites 2-blade. I am not a big data geek so I did not and have not gathered any real data between the two but I can tell my take off roll is significantly shorter and acceleration and climb is much better. I cannot discern a difference in cruise speed between the two. If you've read the article Paul Dye wrote when he tested several props, including a WW 300, I have experienced the same but without the hard data he supplies.

Ran the balance using my Dynavibe and it started at 0.42 IPS and is now down to 0.08 IPS. Very smooth and sounds amazing. The prop is a work of art! Thought I'd share as I know there are a couple other guys with Rockets either waiting on this prop or the spinner. Hoping the factory spinner is available soon for those waiting!
[/url]20220724_183512399_iOS (2) by Darin Hawkes, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]20220725_012705387_iOS (2) by Darin Hawkes, on Flickr[/IMG]
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