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I’m torn between a 6a with a really nice glass panel first run o-360 and a nice 7a with an okish steam panel a first run IO-360 engine. Both are the same price. I would eventually like a glass IFR panel if I bought the 7a. Is the 7a the way to go (in the long term) because of the improvements made? Or is the perfect panel on the 6a a great buy? What would you do??Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
As Sam mentioned, inspection. Assuming both are quality builds, I would suggest the 7A. Fresh engine and basically a blank slate panel. No matter how wonderful the 6 panel, there will always be that one thing you wanted different.
As Sam mentioned, inspection. Assuming both are quality builds, I would suggest the 7A. Fresh engine and basically a blank slate panel. No matter how wonderful the 6 panel, there will always be that one thing you wanted different.
I agree, I keep coming back to that.
I spent decades flying round gauges. My RV-9A is my first truly glass panel and after 4 years I'll never go back. As to your dilemma, finances play a role but I'd go for the 7A and start investigating a new panel, one that you could design to your own preferences. As mentioned, other issues that might come up in a pre-buy inspection might bias the equation for these two specific airplanes, and one of those issues would be a constant speed prop on one or the other airplane. Fuel injection would also be an important factor, but a CS would be a big deal for me.
Depending on how "really nice glass panel" this is, if truly a nice glass panel and the workmanship is the same than I would certainly go with the 6 as it would be around $50k or more and a good chunk of down time for the 7A to upgrade to a glass panel.
The 6A and 7A are very close in terms of airframe and the cabin size is the same.
You're basically asking us "Should I buy a Ford or Chevy?" ;)

I'm not trying to ignore your question, it's just too vague. We are waaaay too uniformed about the particulars of these two RVs to make any useful recommendations. Do your homework, decide what your mission requirements are for the near future, decide how much you can spend on upgrades, get TWO good inspections, or at the very least a detailed look at both aircraft by an experienced RVer to help you decide which gets the first pre-buy inspection.
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If the pre buy looks the same on both airplanes, similar engine times, and the -6a panel is a glass panel you’re happy with, why you you not go with the -6a? The improvements made in the -7a are mostly in the ease if building due to advancements in machining parts. Possible exception - the -7 has slightly more headroom because of shorter seat pan ribs. I used -7 seat pan ribs in the construction of my recently completed -6. The -7a can also handle a more powerful engine than the -6 because of it’s bigger (and not as attractive) rudder and VS, but it sounds like that isn’t a consideration on your case, since they both have the similar engine. The RV6, -6a, 7, 7a, 9, 9a - all have the same dimension between the canopy rails. They also all use the same canopy. Jeff Rogers has but one canopy mold for all three airplanes, whether slider or tip-up, so the canopy sits on the same fuselage dimensionally. If your goal is to sell it, get the -7a. If your goal is to keep it, buy the one that fits your needs now without “improvement$$”.

That’s my opinion of course. Good luck - you would like them both.