massive electrode (aviation)??? -37BY's and be done.. but you should determine if you need REM or RHM first :)
Usually, the spark plug manufacturers have a guild you can use. I like the fine wire plugs, they seem to start better, and stay cleaner (less fowling).

Are you having a specific problem with the plugs you are using?
Not using any yet...haven't started the just occurred to me that there are many options, and I haven't found a thread (or info on Spark Plug Annie's site) on how to choose spark plugs. There's info on each type, but how do I know what type I need? I don't think I need fine wire since I have Lightspeed on one side...
This might be....

Not using any yet...haven't started the just occurred to me that there are many options, and I haven't found a thread (or info on Spark Plug Annie's site) on how to choose spark plugs. There's info on each type, but how do I know what type I need? I don't think I need fine wire since I have Lightspeed on one side...

...a good starting point from Lycoming -
R= Resistor, very good for avoiding radio interferance
E (H)=Wire end size small (Big, all weather)
M (B)=Reach short (long)
40 (XX)=heat range
E (S, BY)= Massive electrode (Iridium, Protruding)

All this is from memory, so I might have screwed it up. Depending on the size of your spark plug wire ends, you'll need either REM or RHM, suggest Massive electrode unless you foul plugs alot. SHORT REACH ONLY for your standard lyc.