Major Tom 211

I'm New Here
Greetings fellow aviators,

I have recently gotten a "wild hair" and decided I am interested in a toy. I make my living flying heavies but want something smaller to enjoy. I am looking for some information and advice on different Vans Aircraft Models.

First off, I like Acro. I am 6'4" tall and range between 240-260 pounds. My sitting height is 38 1/2". Will I fit in the back of an RV-8? Will I fit in an RV-6/7?

I don't have the technical skills to build an aircraft from a kit. How do you know you have a quality product when buying a plane from another builder?

Anybody near Ogden Utah? I would love to see a finished plane and talk!

Welcome Major,

Russians can build you single seater 9 if you wish. Seriously.

I think you will be OK in 8 too.
RE: Which RV for me?

I flew heavies (KC-135/-10) for Uncle and chose the RV-9A, but if you want acro, I agree, the RV-8 would work nicely. Check out the classifies here at VAF and you should find an -8 or two for sale. Get a good RV-knowledgeable mechanic to do the pre buy for you. I live in Reno, hangar is at 4SD, stop in sometime. Dan
There are lot's of RV's in the vicinity of Ogden, Bountiful Skypark, and South Valley Regional (previously known as SLC #2). I just don't personally know the Ogden owners.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
An L39 !?!? Nice flying plane, if you have $300k burning a hole in your pocket and a fuel truck to go with it. ;)

I think an RV8/8A would fit you well, or if you prefer side by side seats, the 7/7A would be a great choice. Either way, you WILL like it!
Guiness, Budweisser, diet coke, ice tea, shot of whiskey

8, 7, 9, 10, 3

I'm into Guinness usually myself but I also like all the above sometimes too...and I'll drink and party with anyone who likes any one of the above in any different order. Good thing you just like acro and not LOVE acro. An 8 is capable of 'gentleman' acro but it's no Pitts or One Design and you'd be disappointed if you were looking for much more than basic T-37 stuff.
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One example of an RV-8 taildragger for sale is here:


I get a link back to another post on the forum using the above URL. Do you have another link to the pictures?

I flew Red tail DC-9's for a few years before the 9/11 furloughs. Perhaps I even flew with Bob but don't specifically remember doing so.

I hope the RV-8 is a bit more spirited than the DC-9!
I have a friend that sold his RV-6 for the kind of RV that you drive on the road.

I have had a 260 pounder in the right seat of my RV-6. Flying with him was the FIRST wheel landing that I did as the stick would not come back far enough to do a full stall landing. I have also had an Alaska Airline captain in the left set that is over 6' and was 290 pounds.

The -8 is the airplane of choice for the guys that like FUN center line seating and it typically handles the weight well.
Welcome Tom!

RV-8 sounds like it's in the running for you in your weight/height class. Inverted oil system and fuel injection (and 5-pt harness) would give you sustained inverted flight capabilities.

More than enough acro fun and no having to do what ATC tells you :).


....and welcome. You didn't say but if you have a significant other, her opinion would matter if she's gonna fly with you. Sit in both an -8 and a -6 or -7 with her inside, and ask. Some gals don't care where they sit and others do.

BTW, there are quite a few professional pilots that fly RV's on here...I have three friends who do, one flies right seat in a 777 for Delta, another a 737 for Southwest and the RV is their personal airplane of choice. Speed, economy, acro, two place...what more can you ask?

A Very Personal Decision

Greetings fellow aviators,

I have recently gotten a "wild hair" and decided I am interested in a toy. I make my living flying heavies but want something smaller to enjoy. I am looking for some information and advice on different Vans Aircraft Models.

First off, I like Acro. I am 6'4" tall and range between 240-260 pounds. My sitting height is 38 1/2". Will I fit in the back of an RV-8? Will I fit in an RV-6/7?

I don't have the technical skills to build an aircraft from a kit. How do you know you have a quality product when buying a plane from another builder?

Anybody near Ogden Utah? I would love to see a finished plane and talk!

The RV8 or 8A will offer the most room. The RV4 is a bit tighter, but is probably the best "acro" RV. (OK OK actually the single seat RV-3B rules here)
The RV6 & RV7 (and 6A and 7A) will also work. As mentioned earlier, the 6 has a faster roll rate compared to the 7, due to it's shorter wing span. They will be roomy if you fly alone, but will be somewhat cramped when flying with a passenger. I'm 6'4" and 215. I find the side by side RVs a bit cramped if flying with a fellow 6 foot tall passenger. Mostly is seems tight at the elbows and shoulders.
You need to consider what your mission is and try to fly each of the models under consideration to make a final decision. Have sellers give you a demo flight.
Charlie Kuss
Thanks All!!


Thank You all for your assistance. It looks like the 8 would be the logical place for me to begin looking.
